Bulletin – Week of January 13, 2019

Bulletin – Week of January 13, 2019

January 13, 2019    Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Join us for Sunday school as we discuss chapter two of “Believe.”


Glorifying God by Knowing, Living and Proclaiming our Hope in Christ

Welcome to Hope in Christ Church! We are so glad you have joined us today.  After the service, we invite you to stay for refreshments and fellowship, followed by Sunday School at 11:00. There are various small groups that meet during the week as well. You are welcome to visit and find one that is right for you!

Order of Worship

As It Is In Heaven

Mission Statement and Key Verse

I Lift My Eyes Up

Responsive Reading  Heidelberg Catechism

Great is Thy Faithfulness


Blessed Be Your Name

Offering  Kingdom Advancement Fund

O Great God

Reflections on the Story  Ev K.


Scripture  Genesis 50:20, Psalm 119:68

Message  Providence: God Cares About You

I Know Not Why God’s Wondrous Grace


How Great Thou Art


Year-End Giving Letters: Your deacons will be providing year-end giving letters next Sunday. If you need yours prior to Sunday, please contact Terry VanderWoude.

Photo Directory and January Heartbeat Newsletter:  The newsletter and an updated church directory are available in the foyer.

Lighthouse Gala, Auction: The Lighthouse Mission is having its annual “Light in the Night” Gala and Auction on March 2 at 5 p.m. at the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel in Bellingham. Enjoy live entertainment, dinner, a silent auction, raffle and inspiring stories of transformation among men, women and children who have experienced homelessness. For more information about the event, including how to be a sponsor or donate auction items, contact Alissa at (360) 733-5120, ext. 109.

Save the Date for the Interfaith Hope Auction: Mark your calendar for the Interfaith Coalition Hope Auction on Saturday, March 23, beginning at 5:30 p.m. The auction will take place at Four Points by Sheraton in Bellingham. Whatcom County’s friendliest auction features fellowship, inspiration, hope and lively bidding on great auction items. Please join us as we work together to eliminate family homelessness and poverty in our community. You can help in these ways:  Do you have an auction item to donate? A service you offer, your own artwork, gift certificate, tickets to popular sporting events, vacation home getaway, …let your imagination soar and think of what you might be able to donate, and get in touch with us! Buy tickets to the auction. Tickets are $65 each, including dinner. Become a business sponsor or ask your favorite businesses or employers to support Interfaith with a dedicated donation. To donate an auction item and purchase tickets, please contact Interfaith Coalition at 360-734-3983 or through the website: www.interfaith-coalition.org

SERVANTS NEXT SUNDAY:  January 20, 2019

  • Greeters:  Faye & Jerry
  • Cookies:  TanyA, Lisa O
  • Serving Assistants:  Micah, Faith, Clara
  • Ushers:  Elaine, Len
  • Prayer Room:  Ali
  • Children’s Leaders:  Aaron, Christine, Melissa, Dan Obbink, Kylie, Rockelle (observer)


Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:

  • Donna V
  • Roland & Esther V
  • Len & Terry V
  • Don & Tena V
  • Ken & Elaine W
  • Joe & Barb Z

Prayer Requests from Envision Mission:  Please pray for the Rising Hope discipleship house called the Summit, that the men God has appointed will be there and receive the help they need. Jon Ng will be raising funds for that ministry of Envision and until we have the house filled that will be a financial need as well. Pray also for the Senti family and the staff as we move into the next year, seeking to be faithful. Glenda still leads the Jesus Study at the Villa with Mitchell’s help and there have already been two men desiring baptism and one who has heard the Gospel very clearly and is considering it there. We also have a man there who helps us reach out to the people and is a believer himself. Also Mitzie continues with hospitality ministry and more ideas to come!


The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church. This week’s Missional Marker is: Life transforming walk with Jesus (John 3:3, 30;  Phil. 1:6)

  • We teach our people how to be attentive to Christ in all circumstances.
  • Our people understand the radical nature of the message and mission of Jesus that continually deconstructs and reconstructs a person’s life.
  • Our people are equipped and growing in their ability to use a variety of spiritual growth resources, experiences, and settings.

Sunday School Memory Verses

Wonder: Isa. 41:10     Marvel: Isa. 40:29-31     Dive: Matt. 22:37-40 & Bonus- Ex. 20:1-17





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