Hope in Christ Church
Glorifying God by Knowing, Living and Proclaiming our Hope in Christ
February 10, 2019 9:30 a.m. Worship Service
11:00 a.m. Sunday School
Order of Worship
Come People of the Risen King
Welcome Ephesians 4:11-14
Mission Statement & Greeting
Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God
Living for Jesus a Life That is True
Responsive Reading H.C. Q. 54 & 55
Lord, Speak to Me That I May Speak
Jesus, With Your Church Abide
Offering Kingdom Advancement Fund
We Give You But Your Own
Reflection on “Believe” Hildred A.
Message The Church is God’s Plan for Accomplishing His Purposes on Earth (1Pt 2:9-12)
Blest Be the Tie That Binds
Let Your Kingdom Come
Movie Night: Come to church on February 22nd at 7 p.m. to watch the movie, “The Greatest Showman” with us! This will be a fun fellowship time for us to get together, watch a movie, and enjoy some refreshments provided by our deacons. Invite your family and friends to come along!
Lighthouse Gala, Auction: The Lighthouse Mission is having its annual “Light in the Night” Gala and Auction on March 2 at 5 p.m. at the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel. Enjoy live entertainment, dinner, a silent auction, raffle and inspiring stories of transformation among men, women and children who have experienced homelessness. For more info: Alissa at (360) 733-5120, ext. 109
Fernando Ortega Concert: A concert featuring three-time Dove Award winning artist, Fernando Ortega will take place on Friday, February 22nd at 7:00 p.m. at Cornwall Church. Tickets are available at FenandoOrtega.com. Proceeds from ticket sales and an offering taken that evening will go to the Whatcom Pregnancy Clinic, New Way Ministries, Skookum Kids and Engedi Refuge.
P92 Dinner: Saturday, Mar. 23rd from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at North County Christ the King Church. An authentic Indian dinner will be served at no cost to attendees. Dinner will be followed by praise & worship, then sharing about the situation and challenges of working in India. There will be an opportunity to give a financial gift towards a training center in India. RSVP to Matthew Smith at 253-579-4879. Seating is limited.
Have you been heard? As a Christian Reformed Church denomination, we are on a journey of God’s work together. As with any journey, it is essential that as we travel we listen to each other and map our progress. With this in mind, our congregation is participating in the 2019 CRC denominational survey. It is crucial that as many people from our congregation as possible participate. Please visit crcna.org/survey and answer the survey questions by February 28. If you prefer to have a paper copy, they are available in the office.
Meeting to discuss boys group: Any men who are interested in discussing what a young men/boys group might look like, please meet at the Richards house on Thursday, Feb. 28th at 7:00 p.m.
Love INC needs help: Phone volunteers are greatly needed on Wednesday and Thursday. Are you available between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. one of those days? Even a couple of hours on one of those days would be a big help. Training will be provided. Call 360-671-6201.