Glorifying God by Knowing, Living and Proclaiming our Hope in Christ
April 28, 2019
9:30 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday school, all ages
Welcome to Hope in Christ Church! We are so glad you have joined us today. After the service, we invite you to stay for refreshments and fellowship followed by Sunday school at 11:00 a.m. There are various small groups that meet during the week as well. You are welcome to visit and find one that is right for you!
Order of Worship
Come People of the Risen King
Welcome & Greeting
Step By Step
Friendship Update Tanya O
At the Cross (Love Ran Red)
Christ is Enough
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
I Surrender All
Offering Kingdom Advancement Fund
Guest Speaker Pastor Kim
Scripture Daniel 3
Message Total Surrender
Jesus, All for Jesus
A Mighty Fortress
Bible Reading for this Week
Read through Chapter 16 of Believe this week as you ponder the following questions:
- What in this chapter spoke to me the most? Was there something I saw in a new light?
- What in this chapter draws me to live more fully for Christ?
- Is there something that I would want to share from my heart with someone who may not know Jesus as their Savior?
Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:
- Helen B
- Alice B
- Tricia B
- Mairi B
- Bill B
- Bud & Lorraine B
- Yvonne B
Pray for Christians in Nepal: NEW DELHI, April 24, 2019 (Morning Star News) – Police in Nepal arrested four Christians from a hotel, including a woman [Oleana Cinquanta] from the United States, early Tuesday morning (April 23) on false charges of conversion by allurement, sources said. Media outlets in Nepal reported the Christians were detained for alleged involvement in preaching Christianity and for conversions through allurement in Ghorahi. The outlets alleged they were distributing Bibles and money. “The allegations are completely false,” Cinquanta texted Morning Star News while escorted by plainclothes police by bus to a flight back to the United States. “We were not distributing any Bibles or dollars.” Nepal was ranked 32nd on Christian support organization Open Doors’ 2019 World Watch List of the countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian.
The National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 2nd. A bulletin insert has been provided with suggestions for you to incorporate into your prayer time.
The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church. This week’s Missional Marker is: Heartfelt Worship (Psalm 138:1a; John 4:23)
- We exalt and celebrate God for who he is, what he has done, what he is doing and what he will do.
- Worship reflects careful preparation to help give voice to many dimensions of response to God such as adoration, praise, contrition, lament, and commitment.
- People leave worship knowing something more about the heart of God and about their own hearts.
Sunday School Memory Verses
- Wonder: Deuteronomy 10:12-13
- Marvel: Matthew 6:20-21
- Dive: 1 Corinthians 13:1-6
May Heartbeat Newsletter
The May edition of “The Heartbeat” is available online. Printed copies may be found in the foyer.
Redemptive Compassion Seminar: Come hear Shannon Williamson, Executive Director of Love INC, speak the morning of Saturday, May 4th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. as Hope in Christ Church hosts a seminar on Redemptive Compassion. Please add your name to the list in the foyer if you will be able to attend.
Council Candidates: The following members are being presented by the council as candidates for Elder: Clair Abee, Brian Koning, Herm Laninga; and for Deacon: Ruth Stadt, Jennifer Boer, Philip Bergman. On May 5th we will have a congregational vote of acceptance, and on May 12th we will draw lots and the Holy Spirit will select our next Elders and Deacons. We give thanks to Joe Pruitt and Don Recker for their service as Elders, and to Lisa DeSalvo and Terry Vander Woude for their service as Deacons.
Shower Connect: Hope in Christ is hosting Shower Connect on Thursdays from 1-4 p.m. Volunteers are asked to take a 21/2 hour shift. There are still some spots open if you would like to help. Please find the signup poster in the foyer.
GEMS Sunday is May 5: The GEMS girls club will share with us their theme “Be a Blessing.” A second love offering will be taken to support GEMs girls club international.
GEMs and their families are invited to the Be a Blessing Family Celebration on May 6 at 6pm: It will be a fun, theme focused, year-end event for the entire family to celebrate the girls and what they learned during GEMS this season. Pizza, salad and dessert will be served.
Garage Sale: Hope in Christ Church will be hosting a garage sale May 17-18 to benefit the Reed’s adoption. They have run into a snag that is going to require Terri to live in Siera Leone for a period of time. We will be hosting this sale to help with the living expenses that are incurred there. We would love for some folks to come alongside and help with the sale. As you all know these events take a lot of work. We will be setting up on Wed May 15, finishing set up and pricing on May 16, and hosting the sale from 8a-2p Fri and Sat May 17 and 18. Finally, there will be clean up and reset Sat from 2- finished. If you have items to donate you can drop them in the youth portable or bring them to church May 15-16. Thanks for all your support. For questions, or to volunteer to help, please contact Jen Roberts.
Buildings and Grounds Work Project: Helpers will be needed May 10, 11 and 18th to replace some sidings and windows on the Ministry House and also for painting after the project is complete. Doug Bosscher is leading the project and requests volunteers to help lower the cost of the project. We’ll have more information available as we get closer to the date.
- Ushers: Barb and Joe Z
- Prayer Room: Christine S
- Cookies: Ali L, Tanya O
- Serving Assistants: Grace, Zeke, Mattea
- Greeters: Jay and Avis K
- Children’s Leaders: Jen R., Kylie, Aaron, Diane, Melissa, Ev (observer)
This Week at Hope in Christ Church
8:15 a.m. Prayer upstairs, all are welcome
9:30 a.m. Worship Service
11:00 a.m. Sunday School
4:30 p.m. Roberts’ Small Group
7:00 p.m. Laninga Group (in home)
MONDAY (Office Closed)
6:00 p.m. GEMS
TUESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
6:30 p.m. Boer’s Bible Study (in home)
WEDNESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
11:00 a.m. Recker Cleaning Crew
7:00 p.m. Elder and Deacon Meetings
THURSDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
6:30 a.m. Men’s Support Group
1:00 p.m. Bulletin Deadline
1:00-4:00 p.m. Shower Connect
7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study
7:00 p.m. Praise Team Practice
FRIDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
SATURDAY (Office Closed)
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Redemptive Compassion Seminar