Bulletin -Week of October 6, 2019

Bulletin -Week of October 6, 2019



Oct. 6th at 6:30 P.M.

Donuts and Apple Cider will be served following.



9:30 a.m. Worship

11:00 a.m. Sunday School

October 6, 2019

Welcome to Hope in Christ Church! We are so glad you have joined us today. After the service, we invite you to stay for refreshments and fellowship. There are various small groups that meet during the week. You are welcome to visit and find one that is right for you!

Order of Worship

10,000 Reasons

Greeting & Mission Statement

Call to Worship    1 Peter 1

Living Hope

Death Was Arrested


Offering    Kingdom Advancement Fund

Great is Thy Faithfulness

Commissioning of Missionaries

Prayers of the People

Scripture    Lamentations 3:19-26

Message    Hope is…


In Christ Alone

Before the Throne of God Above

I Will Rise

The Lord’s Supper, which we celebrate today, is a way for the Christian to remember the sacrifice of Christ. If you have not yet believed in Christ as Savior, we invite you to watch and learn.  We are glad you are here! If you have questions about Jesus, please see Pastor Scott after the worship service.

Bible Reading for This Week

Read chapter 26 (Patience) of Believe this week as you ponder the following questions:

  1. What in this chapter spoke to me the most?  Was there something I saw in a new light?
  2. What in this chapter draws me to live more fully for Christ?
  3. Is there something that I would want to share from my heart with someone who may not know Jesus as their Savior?

Prayer for This Week

Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:

  • Aaron & Megan S: Isaac, Thaddeus, Miriam
  • Ruth S
  • Kylie T
  • Donna V
  • Roland & Esther V
  • Len & Terry V

Pray for Christians in India:

NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) Oct. 3, 2019– A retired pastor, his wife and their sons are in hiding from police after a Hindu extremist mob injured them in a gruesome assault in northern India, sources said.

Patram Mangala, retired Church of North India pastor now helping to run St. John School in Sohna, Gurugram District in Haryana state, sustained injuries to his nose when he was hit with a spade in the face, and his 28-year-old son Abhishek Mangala lost four front teeth and ruptured blood vessels in his eye in the Sept. 22 attack.

Pastor Mangala’s 65-year-old wife Sarla Mangala sustained an injury under her right eye apart from internal injuries to her body, and their son Raj Kumar Mangala, 40, sustained internal injuries in the attack. [The attack] appeared to be rooted in a recent court judgment against the Hindus in their attempt to erect a Hindu idol on the property, the retired pastor said.

The 68-year-old Pastor Mangala and his wife were cleaning their front yard in the early evening when a group of Hindu extremists with wooden sticks surrounded them and began to assault them, he said. Between 30 to 40 other people then joined in the assault.

Fearing arrest, the Christian family has left their home and gone into hiding since being released from the hospital.

India is ranked 10th on Christian support organization Open Doors’ 2019 World Watch List of the countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian. The country was 31st in 2013, but its position has been worse each year since Narendra Modi of the Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 2014.

Sunday School Memory Verses

  • Wonder: Luke 2:8-14
  • Marvel: Psalm 23
  • Dive: Psalm 95

Missional Marker

The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church. This week’s Missional Marker is: Fruitful Organizational Structures (Exodus 18:13‐26, Acts 6:1-7)

  • We can articulate a compelling, Christ-honoring vision for our church.
  • We embrace evaluation as normal and natural and work through conflict constructively.
  • Our organizational structures are designed to be efficient at making decisions while at the same time building congregational ownership for those decisions.

Announcements for This Week

Hymn Sing:  The deacons invite you to a Hymn Sing  tonight at 6:30 p.m. Fellowship time with apple cider and “Timbits” to follow.

Winter Warmth Coat Drive: The deacons are asking for donations of clean, gently used coats for Interfaith Coalition’s winter warmth drive. A donation box is in the foyer.

Join Habitat Build Community Day: Join Habitat For Humanity in Whatcom County and other volunteers for a day of building, repair work, yard cleanup and fellowship on Oct. 19 at 8:30 a.m. They will be working at Habitat’s Telegraph Townhouse Project at 1050 Telegraph Road, Bellingham. To be involved or for more information, e-mail Volunteer Services Coordinator Shelly Comstock at shelly.comstock@hfhwhatcom.org or call (360) 715-9170, ext. 1016.

Bakers Needed: Evelyn and Ruth are planning lunch for the classis meeting that will be held here on Thursday, October 10th. They would like to have 7 loaves of sweet bread and 7 or 8 dozen cookies or bars. If you would like to contribute, please let Ruth or Ev know.

New Petition: There were petitions for I-1004 in the foyer that many of you signed, but the petitions were re-done and need to be signed again. Linda M. has told us this: “There was a typographical error found in the original initiative, so this is a new one. They have lost over 30,000 signatures and must start from scratch. This initiative would make it mandatory to notify parents of any medical procedure to be performed on their minor children PRIOR to the procedure being performed.” If you believe in this initiative, please sign the petition again today.

Servants Next Sunday:  October 13th

  • Ushers:  Barb & Joe Z
  • Prayer Room:  Ida R
  • Cookies:  Elaine Snapper, Christine S
  • Greeters:  Don & Elaine S
  • Serving Assistants:  Amber, Faith, Amariah
  • Sunday School Observer:  Jerry H
  • Children’s Leaders: Melissa, Diane, Dan O, Grace

This Week at Hope in Christ Church


 8:15 a.m.   Prayer upstairs, all are welcome

 9:30 a.m.   Worship, Communion

11:00 a.m.   Sunday School

 6:30 p.m.   Hymn sing

MONDAY (Office Closed)

 6:00 p.m.   GEMS

TUESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)

 6:30 p.m.   Boer’s Bible Study (in home)

WEDNESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)

 9:45 a.m.   Women’s Bible Study

 7:00 p.m.   Council Meeting

THURSDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)

 Classis Meeting – All day

 6:30 a.m.   Men’s Support Group

 1:00 p.m.   Bulletin Deadline

 7:00 p.m.   Men’s Bible Study

 7:00 p.m.   Praise Team Practice

FRIDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)

SATURDAY (Office Closed)



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