Sermons on 1 Peter
4 Consecrate yourself – It is the key to prayer 1Peter 1:13-25
This is the complete service which a few of our youth and young adults helped to prepare this afternoon. The sermon begins around the 24:30 minute mark. Video & audio recording of service If you are having trouble getting it to play on the website you may also access the full video recording here. Slides & audio recording of service Sermon Outline Introduction The Consecrated Life What being consecrated means What an unconsecrated life might look like. 1 Peter 1…
Trinity Sunday 1Peter 1:1-2
Sermon Outline What is Trinity Sunday? A chance to ponders “with joy and thanksgiving what the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have done to accomplish the salvation of sinful humanity.” We find glimpses of the Trinity throughout the Scriptures (Heb 1:2, Isa 6:3, Num 6:24-26, 1Pet 1:1-2) Introductory information Peter the Letter Writer (1Pt 1:1a, Mt 14:29, Jn 18:10, Mk 14:72, Acts 2:14ff, 5:41, 10-11, Jn 21:15ff, Acts 2:4) The recipients of this letter: (1Pt 1:1b) Elect (Dt 7:6,…
13 – Studying God’s Word – 1 Peter 1:8-21
13 1 Peter 1;8-21 How to Study Bible OIA 13 1Peter 1;3-9 MSS for PPT
06 The Church is God’s Plan for the World (1Peter 2:9-12)
06 The Church is God’s plan for accomplishing his purposes on earth (1Pt 2:9-12) Outline Recap of Key Beliefs The Church is an OT and NT Reality (1Peter 2:9-12) Same terms used to describe OT Israel are used to describe the NT People of God Chosen people (Gen 17:7, Dt 10:15, Is 43:20-21, 1Pt 1:2, 2:9) Royal Priesthood (1Pt 2:9, Ex 19:6, Num 18:7) Holy Nation Belonging to God & the People of God Same job in OT…
Why we can believe in the Resurrection and what difference does it make (1Peter 1:3-7)
Sermon Outline “The resurrection of Jesus Christ and Christianity stand or fall together.” – Josh (1Cor 15:13-17) A Few reasons why you ought to believe in the resurrection: Historical proof Is the Bible reliable? Manuscript Quantity and Quality Death occurred (Jn 19:32-34) There was an empty tomb (Mt 28:11-15) Eyewitness Accounts (1Cor 15:3-8) Psychological proof You don’t have mass hallucinations! Lives were transformed At every step of the way there was doubt, but that doubt turned to belief when Jesus…