20 Heb 9:15-28 Jesus’ sacrifice is better

20 Heb 9:15-28 Jesus’ sacrifice is better

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Sermon outline


The Mediator of a New Covenant (Heb 9:15)

          1. Therefore (Heb 9:11, 14)
          2. What is a mediator?
            1. One who is in the middle of something
            2. So, God has a goal and people have a problem
              1. Jesus is a Mediator (1Tim 2:5)
              2. Of a New Covenant
              3. For the called (Rom 8:30)
              4. For certain promises (Acts 2:39, Jer 31:33-34)
              5. How is this possible? (Heb 9:15, 2:9, 2:14-15, 7:23, 9:26)
              6. Jesus redeems
            3. What is a covenant?
              1. Historical Background and relationship to Heb 9:16-22
              2. Copies of heavenly things (Heb 9:23)
              3. Jesus entered the real sanctuary of God (Heb 9:24)

What does this all practically mean for the Christian?

          1. Don’t go back to the rituals of Judaism.
          2. Recognizing the Differences between Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and Protestantism (HC 80)
          3. Christianity is Unique and God’s promise to his people (Phil 1:6)




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