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Sermon outline
Leadership can be hard and lonely or wonderful and marvelous.
Obligations towards Leadership (Heb 13:7-8, 17-19)
- The first exhortation is a twin command to remember and imitate. (Heb 13:7-8)
- Remembering
- In the ancient world, one remembers in order to act. (Gen 9:15-16, 40:14, 23, 41:9, Lev. 26:42, Ex 13:3, Num 15:39-40).
- Remember your leaders in the church
- They share an anointing that is under but similar to Jesus’ (Mt 2:6)
- Who is speaking the Word into your life?
- Consider their outcome of their way of life.
- Where is holiness and godliness abounding in them? (2Pet 3:11-12)
- Imitate their faith.
- A Warning to Elders
- What does leadership have to do with Jesus? (Heb 13:8)
- What he formed in one generation he will form again in another.
- Obey and submit to them! (Heb 13:17)
- Your leaders have to account for you before God.
- Pray for your leaders! (Heb 13:18-19)
Blind obedience and conformity isn’t the goal!
- The sheep is not to follow any shepherd. (Heb 13:9)
- Do not be led away
- Strange and diverse teachings seek to add or subtract to the gospel message or to import teachings from other religions into Christianity
- The Grace of Christ is a much better spiritual transformer than any human legalistic effort and certainly better than the product of licentiousness. (Heb 13:10-15)
- Grace confronts sin, but says there is power to defeat sin.
- Christ sanctifies his people.
- We are consecrated Priests (Ex 29, Heb 13:12)