29 Heb 13:7-19  Living for God, Part 2: Further Exhortations for the sheep

29 Heb 13:7-19  Living for God, Part 2: Further Exhortations for the sheep

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Sermon outline



Leadership can be hard and lonely or wonderful and marvelous.

Obligations towards Leadership (Heb 13:7-8, 17-19)

    1. The first exhortation is a twin command to remember and imitate. (Heb 13:7-8)
    2. Remembering
      1. In the ancient world, one remembers in order to act. (Gen 9:15-16, 40:14, 23, 41:9, Lev. 26:42, Ex 13:3, Num 15:39-40).
      2. Remember your leaders in the church
        1. They share an anointing that is under but similar to Jesus’ (Mt 2:6)
        2. Who is speaking the Word into your life?
          1. Consider their outcome of their way of life.
          2. Where is holiness and godliness abounding in them? (2Pet 3:11-12)
        3. Imitate their faith.
        4. A Warning to Elders
      3. What does leadership have to do with Jesus? (Heb 13:8)
        1. What he formed in one generation he will form again in another.
    3. Obey and submit to them! (Heb 13:17)
    4. Your leaders have to account for you before God.
    5. Pray for your leaders! (Heb 13:18-19)

Blind obedience and conformity isn’t the goal!

    1. The sheep is not to follow any shepherd. (Heb 13:9)
    2. Do not be led away
    3. Strange and diverse teachings seek to add or subtract to the gospel message or to import teachings from other religions into Christianity
    4. The Grace of Christ is a much better spiritual transformer than any human legalistic effort and certainly better than the product of licentiousness. (Heb 13:10-15)
      1. Grace confronts sin, but says there is power to defeat sin.
      2. Christ sanctifies his people.
      3. We are consecrated Priests (Ex 29, Heb 13:12)


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