Romans 8:18 Comfort is not the goal
Sermon Outline
- Scripture talks a lot about being comforted but never of being comfortable! (Mt 5:3, 2Cor 1:3-4, 7:6, 1Th 3:7)
- Suffering is part of the Christian life (Jn 16:33)
- Risk: The opposite of comfortable
- Scriptural examples of Comfort not being the Goal
- Consider the life of David (1Sam).
- Consider the life of the Prophets (James 5:10)
- Jeremiah (Jer 1:7-8, 7:29, 11:9-10, 13:1-11, 15:10, 20:1-2, 26:8, 32:1ff, 38:6)
- Hosea (Hosea 1:3, 6, 9, 3:1)
- Daniel (Dan 1:8ff) & Jonah
- God doesn’t want comfortable Christians, He wants Christians who risk obedience
- Notice how the Bible speaks about those who risk obedience
- The world is not worthy of them (Hebrews 11:32-38
- Secure in Christ (Jn 18:9)
- They are walking in the footsteps of Christ (John 15:30, 2Tim 2:3)
- They have a different perspective on life (Acts 5:41)
- No matter what you loose it will be okay (Rev 3:12, Jn 6:47, 10:28, 1Cor 15:53)
- They are looking forward to glory (Rom. 8:18, 2Cor 11:23-28)
- They are children of God (Rom. 8:16-17)
- Notice how the Bible speaks about those who risk obedience
- Ways of Risking for God’s Glory
- Grey-haired Missionaries
- Sharing the gospel with friends, neighbors and strangers is a risk of obedience
- Giving more to missions (Luke 16:9)
- Sacrificing your retirement (Ps 49:8)
- Becoming a generous giver
- Confessing your sin to another so that they can pray for you (James 5:16).
- Getting some new
- Volunteering with the downcast, distraught and needy.
- Confronting someone in your life who is sinning and helping them to grow.
- The risk of obedience brings the hope of the gospel!