A Fleeing Prophet – Jonah 1:1-9

A Fleeing Prophet – Jonah 1:1-9

Sermon Outline


  1. Have you ever fled from something?
  2. Jonah the Prophet
    1. Who is Jonah? (2Kings 14:25)
      1. A Prophet (Eze 2:7-8)
        1. But so are you! ( Mt 28:19-20, Num 1:29, Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:16-21)
      2. A servant
        1. But so are you! (Luke 17:10, Rev 7:3)
      3. From Gath –hepher which means…
    2. Jonah’s name means ‘dove’.
      1. Doves are gentle, soft, (Song 1:15, 2:14, 4:1, Gen 8:8, Lev 1:14)
        1. Unfortunately Jonah isn’t going to display these qualities in this story. (Jon 4:2-3, 9)
          1. How is our attitude?
        2. Doves sound like mourners (Isa 38:14, 59:11, Ezek 7:16, Nah 2:7)
          1. Unfortunately Jonah mourns the wrong things.
          2. Do you mourn the sin you see in others, in yourself? Do you weep for unrighteousness? Or do you get angry at the lot God has assigned to you, mourning that you didn’t get it as good as another?
        3. Doves are easily deceived (Hos 7:11)
          1. Jonah is deceived about what is good and bad.
          2. How could any servant of God ever revel in the sin of others?
        4. Doves are also easily scattered (Jon 1:3)
          1. So let me ask, are you a prophet and servant of the Lord who is soft and gentle, totally committed to the Lord, properly mourning the things which God hates, with your head screwed on straight and unafraid of the dangers which this world brings or are you like Jonah?
      2. Son of Amittai means ‘son of truth’ (Jn 7;18)
      3. Jonah distinguishes himself as small (Rom 10:14-15)
  3. There is no where that one can run from the Lord (Ps 139:8, Jon 1:4)
  4. Who are we – Jonah or the Ninevites?
    1. How are you doing in your prophetic calling to be salt and light to the great Ninevite World?
    2. Fleeing Salvation
    3. Do we believe that there are some who are just too sinful to be redeemed?
    4. Do we believe the gospel? (Luke 6:28)
    5. If your answer is yes, then the next time someone asks you how you are doing, answer
      1. I am great, because Jesus has died to cover all my sin. And you can be great too if you believe this good news too. Can I tell you more?


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