Sermons on Jonah

The God who seeks and saves the Lost
Sermon Outline Jonah 4:4-11 The God who seeks and saves the lost Scattering Seed in the Sahel[1] Recalling Jonah Jonah responds like a sulking child who runs away from his father’s question. He refuses to answer (Jonah 4:2) God as one who sows in tears to seek and save the lost As Teacher to Jonah A Living Parable (Jonah 4:6, 7, 8) The Vine – Symbol for the people of God (Ps 80:8, Jer 2:21) The Worm – Symbol of…

Issues of the Heart (Jonah 3:10-4:3)
Sermon Outline A Confession: I am Jonah! My heart is just like Jonah’s heart Do you identify? 4 Problems with Jonah’s heart Mistaken priorities (Jonah 3:10-4:1) Confused repentance for being evil (Lk 15:7) Jonah thinks that God’s grace to Nineveh is unfortunate. Why? Any number of reasons: Maybe Jonah is more concerned about his reputation than about God’s work in the world. Might Jonah be upset that he will look like a liar to the Ninevites? (Jonah 3:4)…

The Prayer of Jonah – Jonah 1:17-2:10
Sermon Outline The Lord is in control (Jonah 1:4, 17, 4:6, -8) God uses a variety of means in order to reclaim his erring children. True Prayer Praying to his God (Jonah 2:1) True prayer claims YHWH as your God. True prayer is personal. (HC 120) True prayer is offered to a real, personal God. Recognition of the mess I am in (Confession) Distress is meant to drive us to God Physically Jonah is in distress. In the…

God of Storms – Jonah 1:9-16
Sermon Outline God is Actively Involved in our world God is Judge (Jon 1:3-4) God is judging the actions of Jonah. (Ps 7:11) God will judge all the unrepentant (Rev 20:11-15) God is Discipliner Discipline is about training people to obedience God wants us with our heart and mind to not only obey him, but to want to obey him therefore he disciplines us in order to: Exposes our sin Warns us about our sin Save us from our…

A Fleeing Prophet – Jonah 1:1-9
Sermon Outline Have you ever fled from something? Jonah the Prophet Who is Jonah? (2Kings 14:25) A Prophet (Eze 2:7-8) But so are you! ( Mt 28:19-20, Num 1:29, Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:16-21) A servant – But so are you! (Luke 17:10, Rev 7:3) From Gath –hepher which means… Jonah’s name means ‘dove’. Doves are gentle, soft, (Song 1:15, 2:14, 4:1, Gen 8:8, Lev 1:14) Unfortunately Jonah isn’t going to display these qualities in this story. (Jon 4:2-3, 9)…

The Wickedness of Nineveh – Jonah 1:1-2
Sermon Outline Introduction Jonah (the Book) Prophecy A backwards book The Day of Atonement (Matt. 12:40) Nineveh’s History Nineveh was one of the four great cities of Assyria – also the capital. Archaeological Info. The scriptures tell us about Assyria and Nineveh, her capital: The city was founded by Nimrod, one of the sons of Cush (Gen 10:11) Assyria the bully (2Kings 15:19, 2Ki 15:29) The Sins of Nineveh and Assyria Nahum – 100-150 years after Jonah Evil &…