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Sermon Outline
- Introduction to Philippians 1:1-2
- Authors – Paul and Timothy (Phil 1:1a)
- Paul
- Paul used to be Saul (Acts 8:1, 3, 9:1-2)
- But then, Jesus Claimed Saul! (Acts 9:3-9, 17-20)
- Application #1: No one is beyond the reach of Jesus!
- Application #2: Your past doesn’t dictate how God will use you!
- Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey (Acts 15:29, 16:1ff)
- Timothy (Acts 16:1-3)
- Timothy was respected and mentored:
- Application #3: Never underestimate the power of mentorship!
- Why was Timothy was circumcised?
- Application #4: We should accommodate our actions as much as possible to those we are ministering to in order not to create any unnecessary roadblocks or hurdles to them hearing about Jesus!
- Servants of Christ Jesus
- Both men view themselves in relation to their Lord – Jesus Christ
- Christ Jesus and Jesus Christ
- The meaning of servants.
- Application #5: Do you recognize yourself as a servant of the King of Kings, sent to do his work in the world?
- Recipients (Phil 1:1b)
- Saints in Christ Jesus in Philippi
- Saints
- Their relationship to Jesus determines whether they are set apart for holy service in this world
- They glory because they are in Christ (Phil 1:26)
- They have encouragement because they are in Christ (Phil 2:1)
- They can be unified and view life as Christ viewed life (Phil 2:5)
- They gain peace in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:7)
- And have all their needs met in him (Phil 4:19)
- And the same is true for us along with even more.
- Being in Christ means we have received Grace (2Tim 1:9, Rom 8:1)
- Being in Christ means we are loved with an unbreakable love (Rom 8:38-39)
- Being in Christ means we have forgiveness/redemption (Eph 1:9)
- Being in Christ means we are a new creation (2Cor 5:17)
- Being in Christ means we are children of God through faith (Gal 3:26, Phil 3:9)
- Being in Christ means we have inherited every spiritual blessing (Eph 1:3)
- Overseers and deacons [in Philippi] (2Jn 1, 1Cor 12:28, Eph 4:11)
- Who are these people?
- Why are they singled out? (Phil 4:2)
- Greeting (Phil 1:2, 6-7, 3:3, Tit 3:4-5)
- Paul and Timothy want the church to be immersed in Grace and Truth
- Grace
- Is the good work that Christ has begun in us
- The unmerited free gift of righteousness and life apart from any effort on our part
- Peace
- The complete rest of people in all that God is and does and gives
- Lack of anxiety about our lives.
- Fulness that comes from knowing we are safe in Jesus
- Application #6: The Church must proclaim these truths in in teaching, life, her service.
- Conclusion:
One Comment
Helen Bowman
May God richly bless you all for the great work you are doing. I am blessed to have heard the service today.