To the Saints in Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:1-2)

To the Saints in Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:1-2)

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Sermon Outline

  1. Introduction to Philippians 1:1-2
  2. Authors – Paul and Timothy (Phil 1:1a)
    1. Paul
      1. Paul used to be Saul (Acts 8:1, 3, 9:1-2)
      2. But then, Jesus Claimed Saul! (Acts 9:3-9, 17-20)
        1. Application #1: No one is beyond the reach of Jesus!
        2. Application #2: Your past doesn’t dictate how God will use you!
      3. Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey (Acts 15:29, 16:1ff)
    2. Timothy (Acts 16:1-3)
      1. Timothy was respected and mentored:
        1. Application #3: Never underestimate the power of mentorship!
      2. Why was Timothy was circumcised?
        1. Application #4: We should accommodate our actions as much as possible to those we are ministering to in order not to create any unnecessary roadblocks or hurdles to them hearing about Jesus!
    3. Servants of Christ Jesus
      1. Both men view themselves in relation to their Lord – Jesus Christ
      2. Christ Jesus and Jesus Christ
      3. The meaning of servants.
      4. Application #5: Do you recognize yourself as a servant of the King of Kings, sent to do his work in the world?
  3. Recipients (Phil 1:1b)
    1. Saints in Christ Jesus in Philippi
      1. Saints
        1. Their relationship to Jesus determines whether they are set apart for holy service in this world
          1. They glory because they are in Christ (Phil 1:26)
          2. They have encouragement because they are in Christ (Phil 2:1)
          3. They can be unified and view life as Christ viewed life (Phil 2:5)
          4. They gain peace in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:7)
          5. And have all their needs met in him (Phil 4:19)
        2. And the same is true for us along with even more.
      2. Being in Christ means we have received Grace (2Tim 1:9, Rom 8:1)
      3. Being in Christ means we are loved with an unbreakable love (Rom 8:38-39)
      4. Being in Christ means we have forgiveness/redemption (Eph 1:9)
      5. Being in Christ means we are a new creation (2Cor 5:17)
      6. Being in Christ means we are children of God through faith (Gal 3:26, Phil 3:9)
      7. Being in Christ means we have inherited every spiritual blessing (Eph 1:3)
    2. Overseers and deacons [in Philippi] (2Jn 1, 1Cor 12:28, Eph 4:11)
      1. Who are these people?
      2. Why are they singled out? (Phil 4:2)
  4. Greeting (Phil 1:2, 6-7, 3:3, Tit 3:4-5)
    1. Paul and Timothy want the church to be immersed in Grace and Truth
      1. Grace
        1. Is the good work that Christ has begun in us
        2. The unmerited free gift of righteousness and life apart from any effort on our part
      2. Peace
        1. The complete rest of people in all that God is and does and gives
        2. Lack of anxiety about our lives.
        3. Fulness that comes from knowing we are safe in Jesus
      3. Application #6: The Church must proclaim these truths in in teaching, life, her service.
  5. Conclusion:

One Comment

  1. Helen Bowman

    May God richly bless you all for the great work you are doing. I am blessed to have heard the service today.

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