Working, not stealing (Ephesians 4:28, 5:1-2)

Working, not stealing (Ephesians 4:28, 5:1-2)

 Bulletin Outline

  1. The Sloth
  2. Christian thieves? (Eph 4:28, Titus 2:9-10, 2Tim 3:17)
    1. What is Stealing?
      1. Examples
      2. Non-material possessions we can steal
    2. Heidelberg Catechism Q110
  3. What is working? (Eph 4:28, 1Cor 4:12)
    1. The Ant or the Honeybee.
    2. Definition: Work is the useful application of the body and the mind toward the benefit of others such that you are not taking from people but are giving to them.
    3. Paul’s Life an example (Acts 20:34–35)
    4. How can we learn to Work hard and give freely?
  4. The Spiritual Lesson – Christ-like Emulation (Eph 5:1-2)


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