In Ephesians 1:18-19 Paul prays that the eyes of the heart may be enlightened. This is a fascinating way to say “I want you to know in your deepest being. I want you to believe the truth so deeply that it is as if you were able to read it in a book.” But specifically, he wants the Ephesians to know the hope they have – a hope of being in God’s presence, a hope of being free from sin and death, a hope of being in eternal comfort without any pain, a hope of being transformed into the image of Christ, of eternal life, or being the sons and daughters of God.
What a great hope we have in Christ. But how many of us recognize it? How many of us know it so deeply that discouragement is driven far from us? How many us keep the conscious, specific reality of our destiny at the forefront of our minds as we make decisions about how to use our time, spend our resources or pray? Not many of us do. And that it why it is so necessary for the church to pray for every believer under her cover to know the hope we have in Christ.
Will you pray that God will make it a reality today to the believers in your church? Imagine what a difference it would make if we remembered our hope, might we be bolder? more sacrificial? more joyful? The answer seems obvious to me, and yet, like so many I forget about the hope set before me and need to be reminded. So press on and pray pray the word and wait upon the Lord to effect dynamic change.
Heavenly Father, remind us of the hope we have in Christ. Victory is our destiny. Freedom from sin is our future. Radiance is our goal. We long to keep the future before our heart and mind so that we might have a different lens in which to understand and interpret these momentary trials and tribulations. We long to remember our hope so that we choose disgrace for the name of Christ instead of the temporary joys of a fleeting world. Exert your power in our lives to conform us more an more to the image of the Son that we might be a living sacrifice, joyfully giving it all to you. This is our prayer for your church. To God be the Glory. Amen.