Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Lanny and Christine Speyer, Ruth Stadt, Kylie Thramer, Donna Van Beek and John and Jean Van Hemert. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Jodi Meir was diagnosed with colon cancer last week. She is scheduled for surgery on Thursday January 21. Jodi would appreciate our prayers.
Roberta Maier continues to ask for prayers as she waits on the decision by L & I as to her claim and to see if her employer will hold her job for her.
Yvonne Braun requests prayers for her Grandma and family. Her Grandma is under comfort/hospice care.
Did you know that the church’s website has been updated and is now mobile friendly? Sermons, events and information are all available on line and available anytime! Check it out at and feel free to let others know!
Ellie Roberts will be working in the office this week while Terry is on vacation.
Our service next Sunday will be “Life Transforming Walk with Jesus” based on Romans 12:1-2. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The bulletin, which includes the order of worship, is usually posted online by Friday afternoons and the monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
Please join us today during the Sunday School hour for a time of prayer. There is also a group that meets every Sunday at 8 a.m. in the room above the foyer and they would love for you to join them.
GEMS – We will be joining all Whatcom County GEMS clubs at Lynden Skateway for an evening of roller skating on Monday January 18. Please meet at church by 6pm if you need a ride. Please call or email Darlys Recker with any questions.
Servants Next Sunday, Jan. 24: Greeters: Lou and Evelyn Kooistra Nursery: Denise Doezema, Tanya Obbink Snacks: Ruth Stadt, Donna Van Beek Ushers: Dale and Deloris Perry Prayer Room: Denise Doezema Sunday school: Ida Richards, Diane Button, Mike Boer Children and Worship: Rosa McAlister and Ali Laninga.
For the 29th year in a row, Calvin College will present its January Series, the award-winning, free liberal arts education delivered in 15 weekday lectures from Jan. 6 to 26 from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. PST. Topics range from global health, interfaith leadership, the future of Russia, autism, justice in Honduras, cyber security in a shrinking world and more. Watch the live feed at the Youth House of Third CRC. For more information, contact Carol DeJong (354-1448 or or visit
Volunteers are needed to help at the Jesus Gatherings on Sunday afternoons for the month of January. A sign-up sheet is in the foyer. Mitchell and Rochelle are taking the month of January as sabbatical leave, so help our church minister to them during this time.
TAG will be held on February 7 at 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary. The Elders will be leading a discussion on participation at the Lord’s Table.
Are you making summer plans? Our church is putting together teams to work with World Renew the weeks of June 12th and June 19th. All ages and skill levels are welcome to join us as we serve in the Okanogan area of Washington. The Vander Woudes and Hops are organizing this event on behalf of our church and a registration form will be available next month.
It has been brought to the Deacons attention that Jessie Figenbaum and Darrell Rene would appreciate visits as they are not able to get out and the days get long for them. Let’s not forget our other shut-ins either who would also enjoy visits: Mabel Benedict, Wilma Kelln, Mary Kudsk and Carmen Larsen.
Join the Lynden Choral Society on Mondays from 7 to 9:15 p.m. at First CRC from Monday, Jan. 18, to March 7 as they rehearse for a spring concert. The cost to join for the spring session is $20 for adults and $10 for those under 18. For more information, contact Julie at 354-2672 or