In an effort to help you prepare for the February 28st, 2016, Sunday morning corporate worship gathering and to aid you in your own reflections about church health and vitality, I wanted to pose a few questions and provide a few resources to prayerfully consider over the coming days. Our sermon is about the need for a global perspective and engagement in the Church. The scriptures below are all referenced in the message.
From the Scriptures
Read and prayerfully reflect upon these Scriptures. Ask God to shape your life and your church’s life to match the heart of God:
- Take an hour or so and listen to Acts 1-14. Pay attention to the various ways the church and her disciples engaged the world outside of the Jewish nation. You can listen to the ESV, NIV, KJV.
- has a number of other translations available as well.
- Genesis 12:1-3, Matthew 28:19-20
From the Creeds and Confessions
- Read and reflect on the nature of the Church. One possible resource is the Belgic Confession Article 27 & Article 28.
- Reflect on the obligations of Church members to one another. Two possible resources are the Westminster Confession Chapter 26 and the Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 55.
From the songs, hymns and spiritual songs of the Church
- They’ll know we are Christians by our Love – Scholtes: Lyrics, Video
- O How good it is – Getty: Lyrics, Video
- Open our Eyes – Kevin Keil: Lyrics, Video
For Thoughtful Reflection, Prayer, or further Study
For which people group has God placed a burden upon your heart?
How can you further support the both outreach ministry to this people and the encourage Christians already within this people group? (For those who are not familiar with a people group, look into Operation World.)