Bulletin – Week of May 22, 2016

Bulletin – Week of May 22, 2016

  With enthusiasm and goodwill, we welcome each person to this worship service. We encourage everyone present to reach out with greetings and good cheer to those around them.

 Message: Staying Chaste and Pure

Scripture: Eph. 5:3-7

Offering: General Fund

May 22, 2016

Prayer Requests:

This week we are asked to pray for Tricia and Mari Bravener, Bud and Lorraine Brouwer, Marlene Butenschoen, Mike and Diane Button and Mike and Geralyn Cunningham and their children. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.

Wilma Kelln had a stroke this past week and is currently at the Mt. Baker Care Center.


The Sunday school topic TODAY will be on matters of the heart, with a lecture presented by cardiologist Dr. Spencer Hinds. Check out the full article in The Heartbeat about this class.

Our sermon next Sunday will be “Living Lights” based on Eph. 5:8-20. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.

This morning we will be installing our new Elders Joe Pruitt and Don Recker and our new Deacons Lisa DeSalvo and Terry Vander Woude. Thank you to Mark Ruiter, Brian Koning, Christine Speyer and Connie Knutson for their service to our church this past three years.

The council is considering hosting a political event this fall where we would invite the judicial candidates to come and speak about their views of law, being a judge, etc. If you are interested in helping to facilitate this possible ministry to our church and our county, please contact David Richards or the church office.

The Deacons are having a Linen Drive for Love, INC. They have requested clean, gently used/new sheets, especially queen size, as they have had a large donation of Queen size beds. The Deacons have provided a box in the foyer for your donation through Sunday, June 5.

Ellie and Morgan Roberts are graduating from high school! Everyone is invited to help celebrate their graduation on May 27th at 7pm. The celebration is being held at Hope in Christ Church, so come and congratulate them and wish them well on their next journey—COLLEGE!

Servants Next Sunday, May 29: Greeters: Herm and Ali Laninga; Nursery: Denise Doezema and Tanya Obbink; Snacks: Ruth Stadt and Donna Van Beek; Ushers: Dale and Deloris Perry; Prayer Room: Don Vanderpol; Sunday school: Diane Button, Ida Richards, Herm and Ali Laninga; Children and Worship: Bekah Roberts and Evelyn Kooistra.

Time to clean out the closets and garage for a fundraiser to help the Konings with their adoption of a boy from China. The event has been set for July 22/23 and donations may be placed in the first and middle portables. Brian and Melissa are also taking reservations for your family to schedule a photo shoot. See the Heartbeat for more information.

Terry Vander Woude will be out of the office this week from Wednesday afternoon through Friday. Jenn Boer will be filling in for Terry this week in the afternoons.

COOKIES! COOKIES! COOKIES! How can you help the team going on the mission trip to the Okanagan fire-ravaged area? The team would love to have donations of homemade cookies that can be placed in the lunches of the team when they are out working. If you would like to bring cookies for the team, please have them to the church office on Friday, June 10th or to Reckers on Sunday June 12th.

Fencing tools needed! The mission team will be helping to repair fences and they are in need of small tools specifically for fencing. If you have some to LOAN the team, please bring them to the church prior to June 11th. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON YOUR TOOLS SO WE CAN GET THEM BACK TO YOU. If you don’t want them back, we will leave the tools for the next mission team to use there.

Say your goodbyes to Executive Director Ron Buchinski and meet new Executive Director Hans Erchinger-Davis at the Lighthouse Mission open house on May 31 from 3-6:30pm. There will be tours of the campus and chili and cornbread to eat.

Going to Michigan or Iowa? Len Vander Woude’s niece is getting married in Michigan and her parents are trying to transport her belongings from Lynden. Len and Terry will be in Ames Iowa June 23 and could transfer the items from Iowa to Michigan.


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