An Elder’s Prayer to stay focused on Christ

An Elder’s Prayer to stay focused on Christ

Lord, help me today to keep my eyes on Jesus.

I confess that I have been like Peter sinking in the storm because I am looking at the raging storm rather than you.  Lord, help me be like Mary and sit at your feet and look at you, and listen to your voice rather than being focused on the busyness of my business.  Lord help me be like the king of Judah who said “We have no power against this vast army coming against us… BUT… OUR… EYES… ARE… FIXED… ON… YOU”.  Lord, help me remember the great cloud of witnesses… and then fix my eyes on Jesus… “who for the joy set before him (that’s ME) endured the cross, scorning its shame…”  Lord, open my eyes like Elisha’s servant to see what the forces of heaven are doing around me.  Lord, open the eyes of my heart so that I may know the HOPE to which you have called me, the I may know the riches of YOUR glorious inheritance (that’s ME again), and your incomparably great power for those who believe… the same power that raised Christ from the dead… THAT POWER… in me.

“Open the eyes of my heart Lord… I want to see you… High and lifted up… Shining in the light of your GLORY!”

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in HIS wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of HIS glory and grace”


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