Bulletin – Week of July 3, 2016
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Dan & Tanya Obbink and their children, Lisa Oppenhuizen, Dale & Delores Perry, Joe Pruitt and Debra Reamer. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
We lift up Sissy Davis, a member of our Friendship group, who is currently residing at Shuksan Healthcare Center. Sissy may be at the healthcare center for several weeks as they determine the cause of some of her health issues.
We give praise that Paulino Estrada was able to return home following his cancer surgery. We pray for a full and speedy recovery for Paulino and we also lift Georgi up in prayer .
We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper today. As we take this supper, we remember that Jesus Christ graciously gives us the most important of all things. It is something money cannot buy—eternal life and forgiveness of sin. May you receive today what He wishes to give to you. The bread we use is allergen free and contains no wheat, dairy, nuts or soy. However, it may contain egg.
Hope in Christ’s DAY2PRAY—Wednesday, July 6th. We are encouraged to spend one hour in prayer during this 24 hour period. Please see the bulletin flier for an outline to guide your prayer time. A sign up is available in the lobby if you would like to add your name.
The July Heartbeat will be available July 8th. Please have items for the July Heartbeat to church office prior to July 5th.
The Deacons are collecting toilet paper and baby wipes to donate to the Interfaith Coalitions annual Project Homeless Connect. A container is in the foyer and donations will be accepted through July 17.
Servants Next Sunday, July 10: Greeters: Del and Pat Bosman; Nursery: NONE; Snacks: Denise Doezema and Gloria Groothuis; Ushers: Dale and Delores Perry; Prayer Room: Lanny Speyer.
Volunteer opportunities at Love in the Name of Christ (Love INC) DO you enjoy helping others in your community? Do you have a few hours to spare one morning a week? Love INC is looking for a few people to help with their ministry outreach in Whatcom County. They have a wonderful group of volunteers but could always use a few more! Please call Love INC at 671-6201 if you can help.
Kids of Hope in Christ Church – there is an opportunity for you to help serve at church. Please keep an eye open for your name in the Heartbeat and bulletin for your date to serve coffee and snacks with the hospitality team. Parents, please remind your child when it is their turn. If they are not available on their Sunday, they may trade with someone.
After much prayer and several encouraging conversations with medical specialists, we accepted a referral for our son! He is a cute 3-year old little guy from an orphanage in Beijing. Because his paperwork has not yet been completed, we will probably be waiting 4-6 months until we are able to travel to pick him up. The Lord has given us PEACE and JOY as we look forward to bringing him home! Please continue to pray for both our family and our son as we continue to make plans for joining our lives together. Brian and Melissa Koning and children
The Konings are having a garage sale July 22-23 and your good used items are wanted—also your help at the garage sale. Items may be brought to the church on Thursday, July 21. They will need help setting up the sale on Thursday and then doing clean up on Saturday.