How will you use the precious moments God gives you during your next hospital stay? Will you complain? Will you wonder about God’s goodness? Will you hang on by sheet force of will? Or will you take the opportunity now to prepare so that God is glorified, your soul is fed and Christ is proclaimed?
In his short booklet by the same name as this article, John Piper presents a number of lessons he learned while undergoing a procedure in the hospital for a few days. The booklet is broken into 2 section. Piper reminds us of God’s character in the first section and he gives us some insightful lessons in the second. In every lesson, Piper admits his own failings, the difficulties of keeping Christ in the midst of pain, and the challenge of focusing on the goal for which we strive – Christ-likeness.
As usual his advice is poignant and helpful. With the greatest piece of advice being this one: Prepare yourself now before you are hospitalized so that you can undergo the challenge with grace.
There is a free pdf version available here.