Bulletin – Week of July 10, 2016

Bulletin – Week of July 10, 2016

It’s our desire to be a warm, friendly congregation. Please take the time to get to know those around you. Your smile and outreached hand to others will be a blessing.

Message: The Peace Offering

Scripture: Leviticus 3

Offering: General Fund

Prayer Requests:

This week we are asked to pray for Mona Reardon, Don and Darlys Recker, Darrel Renne, David and Ida Richards, Scott and Jen Roberts and their children. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.

We give praise that Sissy Davis was able to return to her home. We pray for continued healing for Sissy.

Darryl Groothuis underwent by-pass surgery on Thursday morning. His surgery went well and he is recuperating at St. Joseph’s Hospital. We lift him up and pray for a full and speedy recovery and we also lift up Gloria and pray for peace for her.


Our sermon next Sunday will be brought to us by Pastor Joe Strong.

Ruth Stadt invites all those who participated in the mission trip to the Okanagan area to join her today at 2:30 at the clubhouse where she lives. Come for dessert and to share, to discuss the trip and future mission trips. If you have not submitted your completed evaluation form, please bring it with you to the gathering. Additional forms will be available.

Following church today, grab a beverage and a cookie and join us in the sanctuary as we share some pictures and stories of the mission trip we did to the Okanagan fire damaged area.

The Deacons are collecting toilet paper and baby wipes to donate to the Interfaith Coalitions annual Project Homeless Connect. A container is in the foyer and donations will be accepted through July 14. Donations may be brought to the church during office hours.

The Konings are having a garage sale July 22-23 and your good used items are wanted—also your help at the garage sale. Items may be brought to the church on Thursday, July 21. They will need help setting up the sale on Thursday and then doing clean up on Saturday.

Kids of Hope in Christ Church – there is an opportunity for you to help serve at church. Please keep an eye open for your name in the Heartbeat and bulletin for your date to serve coffee and snacks with the hospitality team.

Servants Next Sunday, July 17: Greeters: Lou and Evelyn Kooistra; Nursery: NONE; Snacks: Lorraine Brouwer and Avis Kaemingk; Assistant Servers: Four children attending service; Ushers: Len Vander Woude and Bud Brouwer; Prayer Room: Lorraine Brouwer.

The GEMS Girls Club supports the Esther School for their service project. They have available coin jars to collect loose change and so far over $400 has been collected. If you still have a jar, please turn it in this month so we can get the check to the Esther school in time for the new school year. This school provides cloths, food and a Christian education for orphans and underprivileged children. It is built and funded by the GEMS clubs of North America. For more information, check the web site: http://www.estherschool.org or https://www.facebook.comtheesther school.

Wayne and Lynn Ten Harmsel, missionaries to China the past 10 years and supported by several churches in Lynden, will be in the area and looking for an inexpensive or free place to live from July 27 through mid- to late August. If you can help, e-mail wtenharmsel@gmail.com or office@mtviewcrc.org.

Our country, our state, and our communities are not immune to the evil of sex trafficking, and the first step in overcoming it is to grow in our understanding. Join Engedi Refuge Ministries for a free screening of the film “Nefarious: Merchant of Souls” on July 29 at 6:30 p.m. at Northlake Community Church, 1471 McLeod Road, Bellingham. Engedi Refuge Ministries is a local organization working with survivors of sex trafficking. This documentary tells the truth with compassion and tenderness, while exposing the heartbreaking reality. The film will be followed by a brief time of question and answer. For more information about the film, including a trailer, visit nefariousdocumentary.com. For more information about the ministry, call 922-7600 or e-mail engedi.carma@ gmail.com.

The July issue of The Heartbeat, our monthly newsletter, is now available in printed form and on the church’s web site.


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