Welcome to worship! We offer respect and appreciation to all who’ve come to praise our Creator. Please offer your hand of friendship to those around you.
Message: Be Filled By The Spirit
Scripture: Eph. 5:18
Offering: General Fund
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Ken Anderson, Elaine Barringer, Mabel Benedict, Tom and Caroline Boenig, Mike and Jenn Boer and their children, Del and Pat Bosman. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Please continue to pray for Paulino and Georgi Estrada as Paulino continues to have health issues due to the cancer.
This morning we welcome Pastor Alvin Vander Griend to our worship as he shares God’s Word with us. Next Sunday Pastor Gordon Terpstra will be sharing God’s Word with us.
Pastor Scott and Jen and their children are on vacation from August 5 to August 27th. If you need pastoral care during that time, please contact your elder or deacon. The corrected districts have been posted in the August Heartbeat and in paper form on the stand in the foyer.
All sound board people are required to attend a training event on September 24, 2016; 9 am-Noon. All worship team members (singers and musicians) are asked to be present during this time as well to give the team practice in balancing the board for our different worship teams. We look forward to improving our sound management.
All team leaders are reminded to start putting together their proposed budget request, which will be needed by the Deacons by October 1. The pre-budget meeting has been scheduled for Oct. 26, 7pm in the church foyer.
The church office will be closed Friday, August 19th as Terry will be on vacation. Jenn Boer will be working in the office next week for 2-3 hours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Terry will be back in the office on August 26th.
Due to vacation schedules the September issue of “The Heartbeat,” our monthly newsletter, will not be available until August 31. All calendar events and articles need to be to the church office prior to August 26th.
Servants Next Sunday, August 21: Greeters: Lisa Oppenhuizen and Helen Bowman; Snacks: Darlys Recker and Ida Richards; Serving Assistants: Amber, Abee, Magee; Ushers: Bud Brouwer and Joe Pruitt; Prayer Room: Herm Laninga.
It is time to sign up to teach or help with Sunday school and Children and Worship. Diane Button has a sign up poster in the foyer, so please check out the dates and sign up. For more information, check out the article in this month’s Heartbeat.
Have you checked out the church’s website lately? Mike Boer has updated the site and each week you will find the bulletin and sermon has been posted. Also on the site is the church calendar of activities so if your group has a schedule change, please let Mike know so he can make sure it is correctly listed on the calendar.
Vitality Pathway: In September, we’ll take our next step on the Pathway. It’s a communications workshop used successfully by governments, corporations, colleges, school districts, and churches to teach us how our communication styles are perceived by others and what we can do to communicate effectively when dealing with people of other styles. The workshop will be 7:00-9:00pm on Friday evening, Sept 16th, and 9:00-5:00 on Saturday, Sept 17th. And it will not work for us to attend only a part of the workshop—in fact doing that could actually have a negative impact—so it’s crucial that we plan on attending both Friday evening and Saturday. Childcare will be provided for the whole workshop as will lunch on Saturday. And we’ll have a salad potluck before the workshop on Friday evening. This will be worth it, folks. The consideration we learn to give one another here in this workshop is part of the loving one another we’re repeatedly instructed to do in the Bible.
REQUEST FROM THE CHURCH SECRETARY: If the office is open and the downstairs door is locked, please let the secretary know who is unlocking the door and entering the building. The speaker located outside the door will pick up your voice through the intercom.