We extend the right hand of fellowship to all who’ve come to worship the Lord. May God’s love be very real to us all!
Message: Peter’s Restoration
Scripture: John 18:15-18, 25-27; John 21:15-19
Offering: Outreach Fund
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Helen Bowman, Alice Brakke, Tricia and Mairi Bravener, Bud and Lorraine Brouwer, Marlene Butenschoen, Mike and Diane Button. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
We continue to lift up Paulino and Georgie Estrada in prayer as Paulino begins treatment for the blood cancer. They are not able to treat the colon cancer at this time.
This morning we welcome Pastor Gordon Terpstra to our pulpit. Pastor Gord will be sharing God’s Word with us this morning as Pastor Scott is on vacation until August 26th.
Our sermon next Sunday will be “Submission” based on Ephesians 5:21. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message.
Articles for the August issue of “The Heartbeat,” our monthly newsletter are due in the church office prior to August 26th. Due to vacation schedules “The Heartbeat” will not be available until August 31. All leaders need to let the office know when their group will be starting so it can be placed on the church’s calendar.
All team leaders are reminded to start putting together their proposed budget requests, which will be needed by the Deacons by October 1. The pre-budget meeting has been scheduled for Oct. 26, 7pm in the church foyer.
It is time to sign up to teach or help with Sunday school and Children and Worship. Diane Button has a sign-up poster in the foyer, so please check out the dates and sign up. For more information, check out the article in the August “Heartbeat.”
There will only be light coverage in the church office this week. Jenn Boer will be working in the office this week Tuesday to Thursday, for a couple of hours in the afternoons. Terry will be in the office on Friday, August 26th.
The next team leaders meeting will be held August 31, 7pm, in the large room on the second floor of the Administration building. All team leaders are asked to be present at this meeting.
Servants Next Sunday, August 28: Greeters: Lanny and Christine Speyer; Snacks: Jen Roberts and Rockelle Ruiter; Ushers: Helen Bowman and Don Knutson; Prayer Room: Ida Richards; Serving Assistants: Michal, Mattea, Abee, Faith.
Volunteers are needed to take a turn in the prayer room one Sunday morning approximately two-three times per year. There is a journal in the prayer room of suggested prayer items, as well as a copy of the songs being sung for that particular morning. If you are interested in occasionally spending time in the prayer room covering our service in prayer, please let the church office know so that you can be added to the list.
Vitality Pathway: In September, we’ll take our next step on the Pathway. It’s a communications workshop used successfully by governments, corporations, colleges, school districts, and churches to teach us how our communication styles are perceived by others and what we can do to communicate effectively when dealing with people of other styles. The workshop will be 7:00-9:00pm on Friday evening, Sept 16th, and 9:00-5:00 on Saturday, Sept 17th. It will not work for us to attend only a part of the workshop—in fact doing that could actually have a negative impact—so it’s crucial that we plan on attending both Friday evening and Saturday. Childcare will be provided for the whole workshop as will lunch on Saturday. There will be a salad potluck before the workshop on Friday evening. This will be worth it, folks. The consideration we learn to give one another here in this workshop is part of the loving one another we’re repeatedly instructed to do in the Bible.
On September 24, 9am to noon, there will be a training event for all sound board people. All worship team members (singers and musicians) are also asked to be present during this time as well to give the team practice in balancing the board for our different worship teams.
You are invited to a Renewal Forum – Hans Erchinger-Davis, Executive Director of the Lighthouse Mission is a great speaker and will be sharing valuable information that we can all use. Feel free to invite others to join you! Date/Time: 6:30-8pm at First Presbyterian Church, August 31, RSVP to Kim Jones hoovie928@gmail.com. Childcare for kids up through 5 years old with your reservation by 8/29. This event is appropriate for ages 6 and up.
Thank you all for the wonderful support in prayer and finances. While testimonies continue to come in on God’s work in the lives of our friends we continue to build relationships with folks who don’t know Christ that they may know the hope of the Gospel. Folks are hearing and pray that they will be more and more believing. Some are but many still need to believe the mystery of Christ. Bless you all in Christ Jesus, Mitchell Senti, Envision Mission Executive Director