Someone said that when God measures a person, he puts the measuring tape around the heart instead of the head. It’s our desire to have large, loving hearts open toward all who worship and have fellowship with us. Welcome, friends.
Message: You Will Be A Blessing
Scripture: Various Scriptures
Offering: Outreach Fund
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Marilyn Kaiser, Wilma Kelln, Don and Connie Knutson, Brian and Melissa Koning and their children, Lou and Evelyn Kooistra. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Ida Richards had knee surgery this past week. We pray for a full and speedy recovery for her.
Lee & Arlene Veenstra will be volunteering with World Renew Disaster Response Services from September 17-October 8 in San Marcos, TX due to flooding in May& October, 2015. Please support them with your prayers while they are on this assignment. Pray for safety, good health, a meaningful experience with opportunities to touch and give hope to hurting people in this relief ministry.
Our sermon next Sunday will be “Love From Parents” based on Eph. 6:4. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
Join your church family on Oct. 1 at 9am at the home of Paulino and Georgi. We are helping them by cleaning up the outside area of their home. This will include cleaning the gutters, flower beds, weeding and cleaning up the back yard. If you have an outdoor plant to donate to dress up the flower beds, please bring it. Come for an hour or come for longer, many hands will make this job go quick and will be lots of fun. Look for more information to come and a sign-up poster.
Our annual holiday bazaar will be held Nov. 18 from 4-8pm and Nov. 19 from 9-4. Reservations to have a table at this event are already being received by the church office. To reserve your table, pick up a form on the information stand or from the church office. Feel free to share the form with others so we can have a variety of vendors at this year’s event. Terry Vander Woude would love your feed-back and help on how to make this year’s bazaar even better.
The ladies Tuesday evening study group will begin September 27th and will be meeting at Elaine Wick’s home. Contact Terry Vander Woude if you are interested in joining the group. Terry may be reached in the church office at 733-6177 or at home at 671-5333.
Servants Next Sunday, Sept. 25: Greeters: Jay and Avis Kaemingk; Snacks: Christine Speyer and Ruth Stadt; Serving Assistants: Faith, Maggie, Zeke; Ushers: Lou Kooistra and Don Knutson; Prayer Room: Terry Vander Woude; Sunday school: Jenn Boer and Darlys Recker; Children and Worship: Diane Button and Amber Obbink.
Zaycon has donated ground turkey to our church family in exchange for using our parking lot to distribute to their clients. Deloris Perry will be handing out packages after the morning service.
On September 24, 9am to noon, is a training event for all sound board people. All worship team members (singers and musicians) are also asked to be present during this time as well to give the team practice in balancing the board for our different worship teams.
Team leaders are reminded of the meeting this Wednesday, September 21, at 7pm, which will be held in the Administration building.
Interfaith Coalition’s annual winter coat drive provides warm outerwear for everyone from babies to seniors. Please bring clean, gently used or new winter coats, gloves, scarves and hats to worship services through October 16. Interfaith will distribute these to people in four locations across Whatcom County. If you are a knitter, handmade hats and scarves are also cherished. For many of our neighbors, this program means they won’t need to spend limited income on a winter coat, or do without. Thank you for sharing the warmth!
GEMS begins this Monday. The group meets at 6:30pm in the church foyer. Contact Darlys Recker at 393-4179 if you would like more information about our program for the girls.
Budget requests are due to the deacons prior to October 1. The pre-budget meeting is scheduled for Oct. 26 at 7pm. The final budget will be presented to the church family at the congregational meeting on Nov. 20.
The Community Bulletin is a publication of news from the local Christian Reformed Churches as well as denominational announcements. Each week a copy of the bulletin is placed on the information stand in the foyer, so check out the news.
The Family Life’s Weekend to Remember marriage conference is Nov. 4-6 at Semiahmoo Resort. This is for couples who want to recharge their marriage as well as couples who are engaged. Register at or call 354-4952.
The Male Ensemble Northwest will perform two Whatcom County concerts on Saturday, Sept. 24. The first will be held at 3pm at First Congregational Church, 2401 Cornwall Ave., Bellingham. The second will be at 7:30pm at Third CRC in Lynden. M.E.N. is a singing group comprised of choral educators at all educational levels from Washington, Oregon and Idaho. The goals of M.E.N. are to encourage young males in schools to sing in choir and to demonstrate a high level of choral music making. One of the members is Ryan Smith, artistic director of the Bellingham Chamber Chorale and choir director at Lynden Christian School. Admission for the concert is free; a free-will offering will be received to defray travel expenses. For more information about M.E.N. visit