Each of you is important to God and to us as well. May you find here God’s grace, and be blessed by this worship service. Welcome!
Message: There Is But One Enemy, And We Are Not It!
Scripture: Eph. 6:10-13
Offering: General Fund
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Don and Darlys Recker, Darrel Renne, David and Ida Richards, Scott and Jen Roberts and their children. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Connie Knutson has started cancer treatment. We continue to lift her and Don up in prayer for healing and strength. We pray for a complete removal of the cancer from her body.
Please pray for Trista (Van Berkum) Burns, a young woman whose family has roots in Whatcom County and who now lives in New Zealand. She is starting chemotherapy for breast cancer that has begun to spread throughout her body. Be praying for God’s miraculous healing and His faithful comfort for her and her family during this difficult. time. Thank you. Yours in Christ, Jim Carberry
Our sermon next Sunday will be “The Belt of Truth” based on Eph. 6:14a. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat. Our youth praise team will be leading the worship service.
It’s time to update our costume wardrobe for the Children’s Christmas program. I am looking for volunteers to sew some simple garments for all sizes to use for this program. If you are at all interested, which I hope you are, please let me know. I could really use someone that is willing to be the coordinator of this project, so if that interests you, let me know ASAP! The Christmas program will be December 4th. A mandatory dress rehearsal will be December 3rd. Thank you so much, Diane Button
Join Mitchell and Rochelle Senti as they lead a fun evening of hymn music sung with an upbeat tempo next Sunday, Oct. 16, at 6 p.m. at our church. Hot apple cider and donuts will be served following the singing. A love offering will be taken to support Envision Mission. Let your deacon know if you need a ride that evening.
Terry Vander Woude is collecting egg cartons. So save them for her and bring them to church when you have a stack.
Former member Bob Plekker has sent the church copies of his latest book, “Redeemed? Say So!” Copies are available on the information stand; please take one and bring it back after you have read it so others may read it.
Servants Next Sunday, Oct. 16: Greeters: Herm and Ali Laninga; Snacks: Barb Zylstra and Jennifer Boer; Serving Assistants: Zeke, Michal, Faith, Grace; Ushers: Bud Brouwer and Len Vander Woude; Prayer Room: Don Vanderpol; Sunday school: Jenn Boer and Darlys Recker; Children and Worship: Bekah Roberts and Ali Laninga.
Let’s come together as the Church of Whatcom County to join our hearts with Jesus in standing against the slavery of sexual exploitation in our country. Join us for a night of worship as we pray over this area of brokenness in our community; praying that God would set captives free and declaring together the year of the Lord’s favor. Friday, Oct. 21, 7 pm at CTK Bellingham, 4173 Meridian St. Sponsored by our local Engedi Refuge Ministries, www.engedirefuge.com.
Interfaith Coalition’s annual winter coat drive provides warm outerwear for everyone from babies to seniors. Please bring clean, gently used or new winter coats, gloves, scarves and hats through October 16. If you are a knitter, they would love to have hats and scarves made by you.
Love, INC. annual fundraiser is October 21 and they are in need of donations of items for the silent auction and donations of appetizers. If you would like to donate to this event please contact Love, INC. at shannon@whatcomloveinc.org. Tickets may also be purchased at http://www.whatcomloveinc.org/category/events.
The GEMS annual Theme night and sleepover is Friday night Oct. 14, starting at 6:30 and ending Saturday morning at 9 AM. Invite a friend. Our theme this year is Love Overflows (1Thessalonians 3:12) “May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you.” Contact Darlys Recker 393-4179 if you have any questions.
Our GEMS girls are once again doing the Butter Braids Fundraiser. The girls will have a table in the foyer for people to order in time for Thanksgiving. This is our service project and the profits will go to the Esther School.
Vitality Pathway Announcement: Please plan to join us on Sunday, Oct. 30 following our church-wide potluck for a beginning discussion about the future ministry direction of Hope in Christ Church led by your Elder/Deacon team. In the May 15th History Workshop we completed a review of our past accomplishments and problems, but we didn’t have time to delve into what worked/failed and why. People will have a chance to discuss that and then to answer this question: “What is Jesus calling us to do today and what changes, if any, are needed?” We trust our recent Communications Workshop will aid us to make good progress as we seek to become a healthy, missional church. Can we count on you to participate?