An Elder prays on Election Day

An Elder prays on Election Day

One of our former elders sent me his prayer this morning as we head into the final election day.  May this serve as a reminder that our hope is not in people or politics or governments or bureaucracy but in Christ.

Our Father

As a Father you care about us and you know what’s best for us.  You are OUR Father, the one who cares for each one of us in the way that our unique situation requires.  You provide, protect, encourage, love, but also correct and discipline.  You are our GOOD GOOD Father.

Who is in heaven

Lord, your ways are higher than our ways.  You have written the end from the beginning.  You are holy and righteous, just and merciful.  You are unaffected by the chaos here on earth.  You are above it all.

Hallowed be your name

Lord, we want all people to glorify your name.  We who bear your name as your children want to bring glory to your name… LORD show us how.

Your kingdom come

Lord, we want YOUR kingdom to come.  We know that you work through the kingdoms of this world, but those aren’t the kingdoms that we want to come… We long for the day when the kingdoms of this dark world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ so that HE can reign for EVER and EVER.  AMEN come Lord Jesus.

Your will be done

Lord, we want your will, not ours.  More of you and less of us.  We know that first and foremost, your will for us is to be like Jesus.  You use many ways to accomplish your will.  We submit to you will for your people even at this time in our nation and our world.  Lord, we would see Jesus… and become like him.

On earth as it is in heaven

Lord, in heaven your will is instantly and perfectly carried out and we long for this in the here and now.

Give us this day our daily bread

Lord, like you sent the manna from heaven, we ask you to send us mercy and provision daily.  Lord, feed our bodies and our souls.  Help us to take and eat of what you provide with thanksgiving.  Help us not to long for yesterday’s bread, or try to steal it from tomorrow but to receive each day what you provide.

Forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors

Lord in this time of strife and tension, when people are quick to offense and refuse to forgive; Lord, help your people to forgive each other and even our enemies like you forgave, even while they are still offending us.

Lead us not into temptation

Lord, this is a time of so much temptation.  Our culture tempts us at every turn to fall into sin.  Lord one of our hardest temptations is to think that you don’t care, and don’t see, and aren’t in control, and don’t love us.  Lord, help us overcome this temptation first.

Deliver us from evil.

You have already delivered us from the wages of sin and death.  How much more can we trust you to deliver us from the temptation and trials of this world.

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever

Lord, you look over all of creation, from the tiniest atom, to the human mind, to the kingdoms of this world, to the galaxies far away and you cry out MINE!!!  As part of your creation, your people groan as we wait for the day when you will make everything new.  How long, oh Lord, how long?  We want to see the day when every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LORD to YOUR names honor and glory Father.  Until that day, give us boldness to proclaim the gospel so that as many people as possible will bow and confess before that great day.

We pray this in the strong, powerful, loving, worthy, holy, wonderful, amazing name of JESUS, the shepherd, priest, sacrifice, and FOREVER KING….



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