As we gather to worship on this second Sunday of Advent, know that you are each sincerely welcomed.
Message: Faith Alone
Scripture: Hebrews 11
Offering: General Fund
Dec. 4, 2016
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Paulino, Georgi Estrada and Markus, Jessie Figenbaum, Virginia Figenbaum, Karen Funk, Anne Geleynse, Carolyn Goble, Darryl and Gloria Groothuis. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Since the children will be performing their Christmas program this morning, the elders decided to move communion to next Sunday.
Join your church family this evening at 6pm for a fun evening discussing the four different communication styles. This will be a review for those who attended and new information for those who were not at the seminar. This will be fun, interactive and not a boring meeting and will be very multi-generational. So come and learn what your communication style is and how to communicate with others more effectively.
Our sermon next Sunday will be “Grace Alone” based on Romans 11:1-6. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
Thank you to my Church family for your prayers, cards, phone calls, visits, soup and concerns during this recent episode of being home bound. Thank you “Gems” for the card you signed and mailed. Your thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated and you are all loved. Wishing each of you the very best for this Christmas season and enjoy all of God’s Goodness in the coming New Year. Love, Ruth Stadt
This morning after the service Deloris Perry will be handing out packages of breaded chicken fritters to some of the families.
The Friendship students will be performing their Christmas pageant on Dec. 12 at 7pm. Please plan to come and support the students and Friendship program. The teachers will be providing goodies after the program. This will be the last meeting of Friendship until January 9,
The GEMS club raised $775 for the Esther School; since the funds were sent on the “Giving Tuesday” their donation was matched by two other supporters, so it tripled their giving to the school.
The December issue of “The Heartbeat” is available this morning and on the church’s web site.
Servants Next Sunday, Dec. 11: Greeters: Mike and Jenn Boer; Snacks: Ali Laninga and Tanya Obbink; Serving Assistants: Amber, Mattea, Faith, Micah; Ushers: Len Vander Woude and Lou Kooistra; Prayer Room: Connie Knutson; Sunday school: Darlys Recker and Ida Richards; Children and Worship: Dan Obbink.
We are always looking for volunteers to greet, usher or be in the prayer room on a Sunday morning. Let the church secretary (Terry Vander Woude) know if you would like to be added to the list.
Vitality Pathway—EPIC Workshop. In this workshop, we’ll explore ways of navigating the challenging, and sometimes turbulent, waters of change in the local church. In the Veritas workshop we addressed the need for healthy missional change at Hope in Christ Church. In a future workshop we’ll address the specifics of exactly what we need to change. In this workshop we’ll address how to change things effectively, constructively, and graciously. Please save the date: Saturday, December 10th, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm and sign up today to attend the event.
The Council is looking for volunteers to be on the Admin Bldg. remodeling project steering committee. This committee will help plan, estimate and organize the project. Please contact Michael Boer for more information and to join the team.
Volunteers are urgently needed to help repair homes for disaster survivors in Florida, California, and Texas through early December and also in 2017. Those with home reconstruction experience as well as those who would like to learn a new skill are welcome and needed. Learn more at or call (800) 848-5818.
This Advent, ReFrame Media offers a special e-mail devotional series just for you. With daily devotions and encouragements from Today, Family Fire, Groundwork, and the fun of Kids Corner, we designed it to help your whole family experience the true wonder of Christmas and the coming Christ. Subscribe at
The men’s Thursday evening study group and their wives will be having a potluck get together on Dec. 15 at 6pm at the clubhouse where the Perry’s reside. Contact Terry Vander Woude to sign up to bring something for the meal.
Should you spill your coffee the custodians request that you immediately spray it with a vinegar solution that can be found on the shelf above the coatrack. Just spray the stain and let it go and it should vacuum up when the custodians clean on Wednesday. Don Recker