The glory of the Lord abides with us. We welcome all who have come to lift up their hearts and minds to Almighty God, our loving Creator.
Message: Ordinary Men Doing Extraordinary Things
Scripture: 1 Kings 17:1-7
Offering: General Fund
Help us to be mindful, Lord, that because you raised Christ on the first day of the week, Sundays are a time to remember the miracle of the Resurrection.
This week we are asked to pray for Mitchell and Rochelle Senti and their children, Keith Sentkowski, Kyle Sentkowski, Phil and Jolene Skovron and their children, Karen Smith and Chris Pike; and our Elder David Richards. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Today is Friendship Sunday and Tanya Obbink will be sharing with us an update on the program. Please remember to keep Tanya, our teachers and students in prayer.
Our sermon next Sunday will be given by David Richards, our council President and one of the Elders. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
The Vitality team would like to invite the congregation to hear a summary of the Pulse Survey results and a brief presentation on where we have been and where we hope to go on the Vitality pathway. Please join us during the Sunday School hour on April 30th at 11 am. We will conclude with a potluck and time of fellowship.
The following members are being presented by the council as slate of candidates for Elder and Deacon: Elder—Faye Hop and Jerry Hop; for Deacon—Lisa Oppenhuizen, Rockelle Ruiter, and Keith Sentkowski. Next Sunday at the potluck the church family will be asked to cast their vote to accept or reject the names as presented by council. On May 14th, we will draw lots and the Holy Spirit will select our next Elder and Deacon. We give thanks to David Richards for his service as Elder and to Ali Laninga for her service as Deacon.
Articles and calendar issues for the May issue of The Heartbeat, our monthly newsletter, are due in the church office prior to Thursday afternoon.
The Kings Men of Song will be performing in our sanctuary on April 30. Come at 6:30 for a time of cookies, coffee and fellowship; the concert will begin at 7pm and a free will offering will be taken on behalf of the Lighthouse Mission.
Servants Next Sunday, April 30: Greeters: Joe and Barb Zylstra; Snacks: Mona Reardon and Darlys Recker; Serving Assistants: Caleb, Grace, Chantel; Ushers: Joe Pruitt and Don Knutson; Prayer Room: Lanny Speyer; Sunday school: Diane Button and Herm and Ali Laninga; Children and Worship: Jen Roberts and Amber Obbink.
Plan to join the church family on April 30 for a potluck lunch following Sunday school. Families whose last name begins with the letter A-P are asked to bring a salad, and those from S-Z are asked to bring a dessert. Hospitality will be serving shredded pork sandwiches. Donations of pop and chips are always welcome. Don’t forget to bring your plate and silverware.
Building and Maintenance Team has scheduled our annual campus cleanup for May 13. A free breakfast will be served from 8-9 am with the yard work to begin around 9. If the weather is against us that morning, we will reschedule to the following Saturday, May 20. Come for breakfast and stay if you can and help to weed, rake the bark, etc. Don’t forget your gloves, bucket, rakes, small hand shovel.
The Deacons are accepting donations for the “home mission” remodel of the Administration Building. The team is hoping to do all the remodeling for under $5,000. The Deacons request that you designate on your check that your donation is for this fund.
Our offering this morning is for the Kingdom Advancement Fund. Next week’s offering will be taken for the Benevolence Fund. Please always designate on your check which fund it is to be placed in. The Deacons
All those interested in learning more about Hope in Christ Church or in joining our membership are invited to join Pastor Scott in a membership class. Class will begin on May 7 and conclude on June 4 and will be during the Sunday School hour from 11am-noon each Sunday. Please inform the church office if you will be attending so that we can prepare an appropriate amount of materials.
Registration for Cascade Family Bible Camp is now open. Dozens of churches gather together for a memorable weekend July 6-10 at Warm Beach Camp to enjoy the great outdoors, listen to inspiring speakers, and have a great time with family and friends. First time attenders save 50% on registration. Registration forms are available at www.cascadefamily where you can register online.
Pastor Scott will not be available Monday-Wednesday morning this week as he will be at a prayer retreat. If you need assistance, please contact your elder/deacon team or the church office.