With genuine joy, we welcome all who have come to praise our Creator. There are no strangers here — we are all children of the heavenly Father.
Message: Walking With Him
Scripture: Micah 4:1-5 (Isaiah 2:2-5)
Offering: Benevolence Fund
April 30, 2017
This week we are asked to pray for Don and Elaine Snapper, Aaron and Megan Speyer and their children, Lanny and Christine Speyer, Ruth Stadt, Vicki Tyner-Seim, Kylie Thramer. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
David Richards, an elder and our council president, will be giving the message this morning. We give thanks for his willingness to share the Words given to him by our Lord.
David Richards has retired from the Bellingham Police Department and turns 65 tomorrow. Please join us after church this morning as we celebrate David’s retirement and birthday with cake and coffee. We will also have a gluten free cake.
The Vitality team would like to invite the congregation to hear a summary of the Pulse Survey results and a brief presentation on where we have been and where we hope to go on the Vitality pathway. Please join us during the Sunday School hour this morning. We will conclude with a potluck and time of fellowship.
The following members are being presented by the council as slate of candidates for Elder and Deacon: Elder—Faye Hop and Jerry Hop; for Deacon—Lisa Oppenhuizen, Rockelle Ruiter, and Keith Sentkowski. Today at the potluck the church family will be asked to cast their vote to accept or reject the names as presented by council. On May 14th, we will draw lots and the Holy Spirit will select our next Elder and Deacon. We give thanks to David Richards for his service as Elder and to Ali Laninga for her service as Deacon.
The Kings Men of Song will be performing in our sanctuary this evening. Come at 6:30 for a time of cookies, coffee and fellowship; the concert will begin at 7pm and a free will offering will be taken on behalf of the Lighthouse Mission.
All those interested in learning more about Hope in Christ Church or in joining our membership are invited to join Pastor Scott in a membership class. Class will begin on May 7 and conclude on June 4 and will be during the Sunday School hour from 11am-noon each Sunday. Please inform the church office if you will be attending so that we can prepare an appropriate amount of materials.
The May issue of The Heartbeat, our monthly newsletter, is available this morning in hard copy.
Servants Next Sunday, May 7: Greeters: GEMS; Snacks: Ida Richards, Jen Roberts; Serving Assistants: Micah, Clara, AnaMaria; Ushers: GEMS; Prayer Room: Don Vanderpol; Sunday school: Diane Button and Darlys Recker; Children and Worship: Bekah Roberts and Ali Laninga; Sunday School observation: Mike Boer.
The office will be closed Friday afternoon as Terry Vander Woude, the church secretary, will be on vacation.
Building and Maintenance Team has scheduled our annual campus cleanup for May 13. A free breakfast will be served from 8-9 am with the yard work to begin around 9. If the weather is against us that morning, we will reschedule to the following Saturday, May 20. Come for breakfast and stay if you can and help to weed, rake the bark, etc. Don’t forget your gloves, bucket, rakes, small hand shovel.
Have you started doing your spring cleaning of all the items in your closets you no longer need? Jen Roberts is having a garage sale at our church on June 2-3 to raise money for the adoption of a boy from China and she would love your good used stuff. Jen would also appreciate help on May 31 and June 1 as they move stuff from the portable and price the items. Help is also needed during the garage sale, cleanup afterwards and then help re-setting up the sanctuary.
Our sermon next Sunday will be “Praying in Love” based on 1Thes. 3:10-13. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
Pastor Scott will not be available this week until Thursday morning as he will be in Chicago at a denominational meeting. If you need assistance, please contact your elder/deacon team or the church office.
Our offering this morning will be taken on behalf of our Benevolence Fund. If you are placing a check in the offering plate, the Deacons request that you state on the memo line which fund it is for. Today undesignated checks will be placed in the general fund and all cash will be placed in the Benevolence Fund.
Next Sunday, May 7th, the Deacons will be taking an additional offering to benefit GEMS.
The memorial kite fly for Ron Button, Mike’s dad, will be Saturday, May 6th. It will be at Zuanich Point Park, his and Mike’s favorite place to fly kites. The time frame will be from 10:00-4:00, so you can come by whenever you want. We hope to see you there! Any questions contact Mike at 733-7380 or kite102 @aol.com.
This Wednesday is our church’s day to pray for twenty-four hours. A list of suggested topics is included in today’s bulletin. Everyone is encouraged to take an hour this Wednesday and spend it in prayer.