All of us are members of God’s family. Welcome fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, all blood relatives and all spiritual relatives.
Message: Praying in Love For Others
Scripture: 1Th. 3:10-13
Offering: General Fund and GEMS
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Donna VanBeek, John and Jean Van Hemert, Roland and Esther Vanden Bos, Len and Terry Vander Woude and Deacon Ali Laninga. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
The Lord’s Supper, which we celebrate today, is a way for the Christian to remember the sacrifice of Christ. If you have not yet believed in Christ as Savior, we invite you to watch and learn. We are glad you are here! If you have questions about Jesus, please see Pastor Scott after the worship service. The bread we use is allergen free and contains no wheat, dairy, nuts or soy. However, it may contain egg.
Join us this evening at 6pm for our monthly TAG get together. Come and learn about praying for those you have “noticed.”
Our sermon next Sunday will be “Challenging Idolatry” based on 1King 17:1-7. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
The following members are being presented by the council as slate of candidates for Elder and Deacon: for Elder—Faye Hop and Jerry Hop; for Deacon—Lisa Oppenhuizen, Rockelle Ruiter, and Keith Sentkowski. Last week the members voted to accept the names as presented by council. On May 14th, we will draw lots and the Holy Spirit will select our next Elder and Deacon. We give thanks to David Richards for his service as Elder and to Ali Laninga for her service as Deacon.
All those interested in learning more about Hope in Christ Church or in joining our membership are invited to join Pastor Scott in a membership class. Class will begin this morning and conclude on June 4 and will be during the Sunday School hour from 11am-noon each Sunday.
Building and Maintenance Team has scheduled our annual campus cleanup for May 13. A free breakfast will be served from 8-9am with the yard work to begin around 9. If the weather is against us that morning, we will reschedule to the following Saturday, May 20. Come for breakfast and stay if you can and help to weed, rake the bark, etc. Don’t forget your gloves, bucket, rakes, small hand shovel.
Love INC is looking for three phone call volunteers for its Calling Center. If you are available to serve between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. any days Mondays through Thursdays, call the office at 671-6201.
Servants Next Sunday, May 14: Greeters: Karen Smith and Chris Pike; Snacks: Rockelle Ruiter and Jan Scholten; Serving Assistants: Kylie, Michal, Faith; Ushers: Len Vander Woude and Helen Bowman; Prayer Room: Denise Doezema; Sunday school: Diane Button and Brian Koning; Children and Worship: Dan Obbink and Kylie Thramer; Sunday School Observer: Lisa DeSalvo.
Jen Roberts is having a garage sale at our church on June 2-3 to raise money for the adoption of a boy from China and she would love your good used stuff. Jen would also appreciate help on May 31 and June 1 as they move items from the portable and price them. Help is needed during the garage sale, cleanup afterwards and then help setting up the sanctuary.
Our offering this morning will be taken on behalf of our Kingdom Advancement Fund (General Fund). If you are placing a check in the offering plate, the Deacons request that you state on the memo line which fund it is for. A second offering will be taken this morning and will be for the GEMS national program.
The Deacons are collecting funds to help remodel the Administration Building and replace the sink in the foyer. The remodel team hopes to soon begin the “home mission” work. To volunteer or if you have questions, please contact Mike Boer.
Do you desire Safe Places for Women and Children? On a table in the foyer is a petition, I-1552, which concerns gender-segregated facilities and civil liability. This measure would override state/local protections against gender-identity discrimination in certain public-accommodation facilities, require that public schools restrict access to some facilities based on sex at birth, and allow related lawsuits against schools. More information regarding this petition is available on the table with the petition, or you can read more at
BLESSINGS-The blessings frame in the foyer has been cleared to make room for new blessings. 115 blessing cards were removed; we have a ways to go to show 10,000 reasons to praise the Lord!
Attend a free seminar on Saturday, June 3 from 9-noon at Cornwall Church that addresses the toxic effects some charity can have on the people it is meant to benefit, deepen your understanding of the root causes of poverty here in Whatcom County. Poverty Reconsidered is an interactive seminar for people who want to address all aspects of poverty from a biblical perspective.