Bulletin – Week of May 14, 2017

Bulletin – Week of May 14, 2017


On this wonderful Mother’s Day, we lift all mothers up in our prayers to God. May the Holy Spirit grant them joy and peace. We rejoice in the presence of each worshiper. Welcome, friends!

Message: Confronting Idolatry

Scripture: 1Kings 17:1-7

Offering: General Fund

May 14, 2017

Prayer Requests:

This week we are asked to pray for Don and Tena Vanderpol, Ken and Elaine Wick, Joe and Barb Zylstra, Ken Anderson, Elaine Barringer, Mabel Benedict. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.


The following members are being presented by the council as slate of candidates for Elder and Deacon: for Elder—Faye Hop and Jerry Hop; for Deacon—Lisa Oppenhuizen, Rockelle Ruiter, and Keith Sentkowski. Today we will draw lots and the Holy Spirit will select our next Elder and Deacon. We give thanks to David Richards for his service as Elder and to Ali Laninga for her service as Deacon.

Our sermon next Sunday will be “Testing Our Faith” based on 1King 17:7-16. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.

What would make mom happier than having the whole family together at Warm Beach Camp, enjoying each other and growing in faith? Now is the time to register for Cascade Family Bible Camp, held July 6-10 at Warm Beach Camp near Stanwood, Washington. There is no better place to create memories and grow spiritually than at family Bible camp. Registration forms are online at www.cascadefamilybiblecamp.org.

Team Leaders are reminded of a meeting scheduled for this Wednesday, May 17, at 7pm. The meeting will be held in the large classroom located on the second floor of the Admin. Building.

Herm Laninga’ s group will not be meeting this evening. The meeting has been rescheduled to May 21.

Jen Roberts is having a garage sale at our church on June 2-3 to raise money for the adoption of a boy from China and she would love your good used stuff. Jen would also appreciate help on May 31 and June 1 as they move items from the portable and price them. Help is needed during the garage sale, cleanup afterwards and then help setting up the sanctuary. Donations of homemade baked goods would be appreciated. There will also be hotdogs available for purchase.

The Elders have approved the hiring of Marjie Herold as our new Administrative Secretary. Marjie will be working with Terry as of May 16th. Terry’s last day in the church office will be May 31.

Servants Next Sunday, May 21: Greeters: Herm and Ali Laninga; Snacks: Joanne Schultz, Jolene Skovron; Serving Assistants: Mattea, Grace, Caleb; Ushers: Bud Brouwer and Ken Wick; Prayer Room: Denise Doezema; Sunday school: Diane Button and Brian Koning; Children and Worship: Jen Roberts and Mairi Bravener.

Our offering this morning will be taken on behalf of our Kingdom Advancement Fund (General Fund). If you are placing a check in the offering plate, the Deacons request that you state on the memo line which fund it is for. Our offering next week will be for the Outreach Fund.

The Deacons are collecting funds to help remodel the Administration Building and replace the sink in the foyer. The remodel team hopes to soon begin the “home mission” work. To volunteer or if you have questions, please contact Mike Boer. We still need approximately $2500 for the project.

Do you desire Safe Places for Women and Children? On a table in the foyer is a petition, I-1552, which concerns gender-segregated facilities and civil liability. This measure would override state/local protections against gender-identity discrimination in certain public-accommodation facilities, require that public schools restrict access to some facilities based on sex at birth, and allow related lawsuits against schools. More information regarding this petition is available on the table with the petition or you can read more at www.justwantprivacy.org.

BLESSINGS: The blessings frame in the foyer has been cleared to make room for new blessings. 115 blessing cards were removed; we have a ways to go to show 10,000 reasons to praise the Lord!

Love, Inc. is looking for a ride for a gentleman for Tuesday May 23rd for a one hour procedure at 1 p.m. in Bellevue. He would need to leave around 10 and after observation should be ready to head home around 3:30. Please let Love, Inc. know if you are willing to volunteer for this. Their phone number is 671-6201.

Are you going? The excitement is building as CRC members from all corners of the continent prepare to converge in Detroit, Michigan this August for Inspire 2017. Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind opportunity to worship, connect, learn and serve with others – like you — who have been inspired to serve God in their local church. Group discounts are available. Why not team up with others from your congregation and plan to attend Aug 3-5. Visit crcna.org/Inspire2017 to learn more and to register.

If you were a HCC Deacon in 2007, 2008, 2009 and still have your deacon minutes, the office needs them. We are also missing minutes for July and Dec. 2012; March and June 2010; Feb, July, Aug., Sept, 2014.


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