Visitors to our worship service are always welcome. May this time of praising God and learning of his plan for our lives be helpful to one and all.
Order of Worship
Song: Jesus Son of God
Songs: Cornerstone
Jesus Messiah
Jesus This Is You
Offering: This I Believe
Scripture: 1John 2:1-6
Message: The Imitation of Christ
The Lord’s Supper
Songs: How Deep the Father’s Love for Us; Before the Throne of God Above
Closing Song: Christ is Enough
The Lord’s Supper, which we celebrate today, is a way for the Christian to remember the sacrifice of Christ. If you have not yet believed in Christ as Savior, we invite you to watch and learn. We are glad you are here! If you have questions about Jesus, please see Pastor Scott after the worship service. The bread we use is allergen free and contains no wheat, dairy, nuts or soy. However, it may contain egg.
There will be two offerings this morning. One is for the General Fund, and the other is for Hurricane Relief/World Renew. Please designate the intended fund on the memo line of your check. Cash offerings will be deposited into the General Fund.
Jason Hubbard will be our guest pastor.
Greeters: Herm & Ali
Cookies: Christine, Ruth
Serving Assistants: Micah, Caleb, Mattea
Ushers: Deloris, Elaine
Prayer Room: Denise
Children & Worship: Jen, Kylie
Children’s Sunday School: Diane, Jenn
The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church. This week’s Missional Marker is: Compelling Christian Community, (Acts 2:42-47).
- We understand that our love for one another is a powerful testimony to the deity of Jesus.
- We love each other as we are, not as we should be.
- We share life together beyond the worship service.
Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:
Paulino & Georgi
Karen F.
Darryl & Gloria
Dan G.
Wonder Class: Luke 2:8-12
Marvel Class: Psalm 23:1-5b
Dive Class: Isaiah 53:2b-6a
From Matt Smith at P92: A Special guest will be visiting on Sunday, October 22nd to share during the morning service, and then in a more in-depth manner during the adult Sunday school hour. He is the leader of a ministry in India of which about 200 workers (some supported by Hope in Christ Church) are a part.
The Table church, led by Pastor Aaron Walters, invites you to attend on Wednesday evenings starting October 8, as they discuss what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Their primary gatherings are on Wednesday evenings, starting with an optional potluck meal from 5:15p–6p, followed by children and adult classes from 6–7p. The first Wednesday of every month is a worship service, when they sing, pray, hear a Bible-based message, and share in the Lord’s Supper. On the remaining Wednesdays they examine Jesus’ life and teachings via discussion, in 4–6 week themed sessions. You are invited and encouraged to stop by for a session!
Dunamis Conference Nov. 9-11 at Birchwood Presbyterian Church: Dunamis is the Greek term for “power.” The Dunamis Project is a series of six retreats designed to equip clergy and laity in the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit. The teaching has been forged from the Scriptures, is applicable in a Presbyterian and Reformed context, has been proven in ministry, and is informed by 200 years of renewal and revival movements. The workshop environment embraces prayer, worship, trust, mutual accountability and a full expression of the spiritual gifts for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. For more information, brochures are in the foyer and on the bulletin board.
Providing Warmth to Neighbors in Need: Interfaith Coalition’s annual Winter Warmth drive provides warm outerwear for everyone from babies to seniors. Please bring clean, gently used or new winter coats and jackets, gloves, scarves and hats through October 15. There is a box in the foyer for your donations. Thank you!
Lighthouse Mission’s Annual Thanksgiving-on-Friday Dinner for the Homeless: Want to have fun with other Hope in Christ-ers being Good Samaritans this Thanksgiving? If you’re interested in joining the Hope in Christ team serving at the Lighthouse Mission’s Annual Thanksgiving-on-Friday Dinner for the Homeless, please contact Scott Emory by Sunday, October 8th. We’ll be signing up the team online on Monday the 9th. The dinner will be held at Assumption Church on Friday, November 24th. We’ll know the exact times in a couple weeks, but typically we arrive mid/late-morning and serve till early-afternoon.
Coming Soon: THE STORY, a Hope in Christ Church Bible study, beginning in January, 2018!