December 24, 2017
Order of Worship
Angels We Have Heard on High
Call to Worship: Isaiah 9:6
Prince of Peace
Welcome & Greeting
Lighting of the Christ Candle
Jesus, Name Above All Names
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
Angels from the Realms of Glory
Offering: Kingdom Advancement Fund
Message: Twelve Reasons for the Incarnation
Meekness and Majesty
In Christ Alone
Go, Tell It on the Mountain
Sermon: Cultivating Spiritual Discernment, 1 John 4:1-6
Greeters: Dave & Ida, Junior
Cookies: Mona, Darlys
Serving Assistants: Clara, Amber, Faith
Ushers: Deloris, Elaine S
Prayer Room: Lanny
Children & Worship: Diane, Amber
Children’s Sunday School: Barb, Darlys
Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:
- Tricia and Mairi
- Bill B
- Bud & Lorraine
- Del & Pat
- Alice
- Helen
From CRC Resonate Global Mission in Anchorage, Alaska: Praise God! A student heard the Christmas story for the first time at Parachute Ministries, a teen club and resource center, and he was struck by the fact that Mary was shamed for seemingly having a child out of wedlock—a situation he could To see the latest prayer concerns online or to subscribe for weekly e-mail delivery, please visit relate to. Pray that the Christmas story will continue to reach new listeners with the good news of God’s love.
From World Renew in Syria: About 13.5 million people in Syria are in dire need of food assistance. Food production has hit a record low, and prices have risen high. Families are exhausted of finances and nutrients. The organization One Day’s Wages will match every dollar donated to World Renew’s work in Syria, up to $100,000. Please ask God to provide all the resources needed by the people suffering in Syria.
Wonder Class: Psalm 23:1-3, NIV
Marvel Class: Matthew 28:18-20, NIV
Dive Class: Isaiah 53:2-6, NIV
Ladies’ Wednesday Bible Study: Are you planning to attend the Ladies’ Bible Study when it resumes on January 10th? Ruth is looking forward to seeing you there, and is ordering books this week. Please call Ruth or talk to her today at church so she can be sure to have a book ready for you.
Ushers Needed: The person who put this bulletin into your hands this morning is one of our ushers. We would appreciate having a few more people to volunteer for this job. If you would be available to help (it is no more than once a month), please call or email the church office.
Year-End Financial Summary: Curious where your generous donations were spent? Interested in how church spending compared to our budget last year? Pick up a copy of the November 2017 year-end financial summary. Look for the bright yellow paper in the foyer.
Welcome to Anyone Who is Seeking a Small Group: Starting January 16th, David and Ida are opening their home for supper, Bible study, prayer time, and fellowship! We will have a supper of soup, rolls, and treats. Then we’ll have a study/review of the “The Story” from the previous readings and sermons, and have a time of prayer together. We will plan to start at 6 pm, and to be done by 8pm. Children are welcome! We have plenty of parking. Please call us if you are interested in attending! Are you new to Hope in Christ? We would love to get to know you with this relaxing, comfortable time of fellowship. Merry Christmas! David and Ida
The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church.
This week’s Missional Marker is: Heartfelt Worship (Psalm 138:1a, John 4:23)
- We exalt and celebrate God for who he is, what he has done, what he is doing and what he will do.
- Worship reflects careful preparation to help give voice to many dimensions of response to God such as adoration, praise, contrition, lament, and commitment.
- People leave worship knowing something more about the heart of God and about their own hearts.