How to interpret the Bible

How to interpret the Bible

#Wisdom Wednesday with Rev. Michael Glodo “How does Reformed Theology interpret Scripture?” from Reformed Theological Seminary on Vimeo.


How do the New Testament and the Old Testament Relate?  How does the Bible interpret itself?

  1. Thematically Christocentric
    1. 2Cor 1:20 – All the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ
    2. Luke 24 – Emmaus Road. Beginning with Moses and the Prophets Christ interpreted the things about himself.
  2. Historically Christocentric
    1. Gal 4:4-7 – in the fullness of time, God sent his Son…
    2. Christ is the key to understanding history and redemptive history
  3. Progressive Revelation
    1. Heb 1:1-3 God has spoken in various ways but in the last days He spoken through Christ
    2. OT anticipates the NT
    3. Interpret the OT in light of the NT and the NT according to the background of the OT
    4. Illustration: Oak Tree and Acorn.  Both genetically the same, but one is bigger and fuller than the other.

All of this leads us to recognize there is 1 plan of God, 1 story of God and 1 people of God brought together in Christ!


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