Bulletin – Week of March 18, 2018

Bulletin – Week of March 18, 2018

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Glorifying God by Knowing, Living and Proclaiming our Hope in Christ

This Morning’s Message: The Heart Matters, 1 Samuel 16-17

Pastor Scott Roberts

Welcome to Hope in Christ Church. We are so glad you have joined us today! After the service, we invite you to stay for some coffee and join our education class at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary, or one of our small group meetings during the week.

Order of Worship

Your Grace is Enough

Prayer & Greeting

Come Thou Fount

Jesus Paid It All

Change My Heart O God

At The Cross

Offering:  Outreach Fund

My Lord, I Did Not Choose You

Reflections on The Story:  Terry


Message:  The Heart Matters

Scripture:  1 Samuel 16-17

Jesus Only Jesus


Send Us Out


The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision  to move forward and become a healthy missional church.

This Week’s Missional Marker:  Culture of Godly Leadership (Hebrews 13:7)

  • Our leaders at all levels serve with character, competence, and conviction.
  • A spirit of collegiality pervades, with our people trusting our leaders and our leaders trusting our people.
  • We continually identify and train godly leaders for all dimensions of our ministry.


Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.  This week please pray for:

  • Phil & Jolene: Maggie, Clara, Alice
  •  Aaron & Megan: Isaac, Thaddeus, Miriam
  • Karen S
  • Chris P
  • Don & Elaine

For Love INC (In the Name of Christ) of Whatcom County:

  • Need for additional team members
  • Provision, wisdom and growth in the area of fundraising development
  • For the word to get out to more local families in need, so they will call
  • Open doors for Love INC to connect with new churches
  • Protection from the evil one
  • All areas of administration, and communication to partner churches.

For Back to God Ministries in Ecuador: Praise God that for more than 50 years our Spanish ministry has touched the hearts of Latin Americans with the gospel. Today our programs are broadcast on 700 radio stations and 250 TV stations and are available on the Internet. Pray for people like Maria, who testified, “Every day I learn more and more from the Bible.”


  • Wonder Class:  Matthew 28:5-6
  • Marvel Class:  Matthew 28:1-7
  • Dive Class:  Ephesians 4:4-6


  • Children’s Sunday School:  Michael B, Brian K
  • Children & Worship:  Dan O, Mairi
  • Serving Assistants:  Micah, Amariah, Zeke
  • Prayer Room:  Ev K
  • Greeters:  Lanny & Christine
  • Ushers:  Deloris, Elaine
  • Cookies:  Connie, Melissa


GEMS Baked Potato and Bunko Event: The GEMS will be hosting their annual Baked Potato Dinner and Bunko Night fundraiser on Friday, March 23 beginning at 5:30 p.m. They will be serving baked potatoes with all the trimmings, chili, salad, and dessert followed by Bunko. Invite your neighbors and friends for an evening of fun and fellowship — you may even win a prize! The girls will be accepting donations for the dinner to help pay for this year’s GEMS Girls’ Camp in June.

Treasurer Needed: Our Treasurer is contemplating a move to be closer to her Michigan family in the very near future. She has been serving Hope in Christ Church faithfully and well for 10 years and will be greatly missed. Denise has offered to begin training her replacement now, so that he or she will be fully-equipped and ready for the job. If you are interested in learning more about this volunteer position, she would be happy to answer your questions.

The Story Cards for Children:  Children are invited to take a story card home with them today. The cards correspond to the chapter of The Story that we are covering each week. This Sunday, the card has an illustration of David and Goliath on the front, and 1 Samuel 16:13 on the back. Look for a basket with the cards at the back of the sanctuary every Sunday.

Women’s Weekend Getaway:  Ladies, there a few spots open! Come and join us from May 4-6 as we enjoy some time together in Moclips, on the Washington coast. Contact Terry for more information.

Outdoors Easter Sunrise Service: Start your celebration of Jesus’ resurrection by worshipping at the annual Whatcom County Easter Sunrise Service on April 1 at the farm of Dan and Emily Gibson, 1613 Central Road. The traditional outdoor worship service starts at 7 a.m. and concludes by 8 a.m. to give worshippers time to get to their morning church services. Sit on hay bales on a hill for the worship service and afterward enjoy a breakfast of cinnamon rolls, hot chocolate and coffee. For more information, visit Barnstorming Blog at https://briarcroft.wordpress.com/annual-easter-sunrise-service/.

This Week at Hope in Christ Church


8:15 Prayer group upstairs, all are welcome

9:30am  Worship Service

11:00am  Sunday School

MONDAY (Office Closed)

6:00pm  GEMS

TUESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)

6:00pm  Richards Small Group

WEDNESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)

9:45am Women’s Bible Study

10:00am Men’s Fellowship – Over Easy Restaurant

11:00am  Recker Cleaning Crew

Heartbeat Newsletter Deadline

THURSDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)

6:30am  Men’s Support Group

1:00pm  Bulletin Deadline

7:00pm  Praise Team Practice

7:00pm   Men’s Bible Study

FRIDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)

5:30pm  GEMS Dinner and Bunko

SATURDAY (Office Closed)


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