9:30 a.m. Worship Service
October 21, 2018
Glorifying God by Knowing, Living, and Proclaiming our Hope in Christ
Order of Worship
Come People of the Risen King
Responsive Reading Heidelberg Catechism Q & A 53
This is Amazing Grace
Crown Him (Majesty)
Jesus Shall Reign
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
Offerings Outreach Fund, GEMS
Spirit of the Living God
Reflections on “The Story” Zeke R
Scripture Acts 2:36-47
Message The Unstoppable First Disciples
O Church Arise
Christ is Enough
Bible Reading for this Week
Enclosed is a paper with questions for you to consider as you read through Chapter 29 of The Story this week. Pastor Scott’s sermon next Sunday, Oct 28th, is titled “Extending the Kingdom of God,” and is based on scriptures found in Chapter 29. If you do not have a copy of The Story, please let Pastor Scott know today.
Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:
- Cathy A
- Elaine B
- Philip B
- Helen B
- Chris & Jeanette M: Abigail, Kaitlyn, Anthony
Pray for Whatcom County:
Please pray for our church families as we enter the fall season, that prayer would be the center of our homes. Please pray that we would disciple our children in the ways of the Lord, creating healthy boundaries to keep us focused in relationship with God.
Please pray that Christian students, staff, and parents would seek wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God to love and live for Jesus without compromise (Psalms 50:23 & Ephesians 1:17) and that they would be known by a spirit of thankfulness. (Psalm 50:14)
Pray for a covering of safety over all schools (Psalm 91) and for the development of a Christian High school in Bellingham.
Please pray for a wall of protection for nonprofit service agencies and leaders as they experience spiritual warfare: Love INC, Skookum Kids, Engedi Refuge, Rebound, Whatcom Pregnancy Clinic, Lighthouse Mission, Men of Dignity, Envision Mission, Hope House, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services (DVSAS) and many more.
Pray for Christians in South Sudan (Morning Star News)– Security officials in Sudan last week arrested 13 Christians during a worship service in the Darfur Region. Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Services personnel gave no reason for arresting the Christians, members of four different churches who had come together for the service, except to say that they were all converts from Islam, the sources said. Due to its treatment of Christians and other human rights violations, Sudan has been designated a Country of Particular Concern by the U.S. State Department since 1999. Sudan ranked fourth on Christian support organization Open Doors’ 2018 World Watch List of countries where Christians face most persecution.
Sunday School Memory Verses
- *Wonder Class— Genesis 9:12-13 NIV
- *Dive Class— Psalm 23 NIV
- *Marvel Class— Psalm 51:10-12 NIV
Special offering for GEMS: Once a year we are asked to have an offering to help support the GEMS program. Today’s offering will be collected as usual for the outreach fund, with the designated checks and loose cash and coins being designated for outreach. We will then take up a second collection on behalf of GEMS.
Women’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study Participants: Please pick up your Jude study book in the foyer.
We need your smiles for the new directory! If you have not had done so yet, please go to the church office today to have your photo taken. We will try to fit a few people in after worship and before Sunday School begins. Then we will be available again for a longer period of time beginning at noon after Sunday School. It doesn’t take long. We just need some willing subjects! Please take a few minutes and stop by. Thank you!
Please come to dinner! All ages are invited to come Friday evening, November 9th. You will have an opportunity to participate in a fun activity with others who share your birth-month. A sign-up sheet is in the foyer. Please add your name today.
The Story Cards for Children: Children are invited to take a story card home with them today. The cards correspond to the chapter of The Story that we are covering each week. Look for the card box at the back of the sanctuary every Sunday.
SERVANTS NEXT SUNDAY: October 28, 2018
- Greeters: David & Ida, Junior J
- Cookies: Ev K, Ali L
- Serving Assistants: Brenna, Chantel, Clara
- Ushers: Joe & Barb Z
- Foyer Monitor: Joe Z
- Prayer Room: Jay K
- Sunday School: Jolene, Diane, Amber, Jenn B, Terry Vander Woude (observer)
The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church. This week’s Missional Marker is:
Fruitful organizational structures (Exodus 18:13‐26, Acts 6:1-7)
- We can articulate a compelling, Christ-honoring vision for our church.
- We embrace evaluation as normal and natural and work through conflict constructively.
- Our organizational structures are designed to be efficient at making decisions while at the same time building congregational ownership for those decisions.