Preparing our Hearts to Worship
In an effort to help you prepare for the October 20, 2019, Sunday morning corporate worship gathering and to aid you in your own reflections on What God wants us to Believe, Do, and Become. I wanted to pose a few questions and provide a few resources to prayerfully consider over the coming days. Our sermon is entitled, “The Weapon of Goodness”. The main Scriptures for the day are the Romans 12:9-21.
(Pick and choose from the many resources and options, which I have tried to make available for your devotional life.)
From the Scriptures
Please read through Chapter 27 of Believethis week, this is an edited selection of Scriptures from the NIV that seeks to show how certain beliefs, ways of living and character qualities are elaborated upon throughout all of Scripture.
You may also like to read and reflect upon these other New Testament passages Proverbs 3:7, 25:21-22; Psalms 34:14; Leviticus 19:18; Isaiah 5:21-22; Deuteronomy 32:35; 2Corinthians 10:3-5.
From the Creeds and Confessions
Heidelberg Catechism Q91
But what are good works?
Only those which are done from true faith, according to the law of God, and to his glory; and not such as are based on our own opinions or the precepts of men.
Heidelberg Catechism Q86
Since, then, we are delivered from our misery by grace alone, through Christ, without any merit of ours, why must we yet do good works?
Because Christ, having redeemed us by his blood, also renews us by his Holy Spirit after his own image, that with our whole life we may show ourselves thankful to God for his benefits, and that he may be praised by us; then, also, that each of us may be assured in himself of his faith by the fruits thereof, and that by our godly walk our neighbors also may be won for Christ.
Heidelberg Catechism Q107
But is it enough that we do not kill our neighbor in any such way?
No; for when God forbids envy, hatred, and anger, he commands us to love our neighbor as ourselves: to show patience, peace, meekness, mercy, and all kindness towards him, prevent his hurt as much as in us lies, and do good even to our enemies.
From the songs, hymns and spiritual songs of the Church
God, You’re so good (Stanfill): Lyrics, Video
God is so good (Barrett): Lyrics, Video
Goodness of God (Bethel Music): Lyrics, Video
You are Good (Jobe): Lyrics, Video
For Thoughtful Reflection, Prayer, or further Study
Read and reflect upon Desiring God’s Kindness changes everything
Read and reflect upon Christian History Institute’s Overcome evil with Good
Read and reflect upon Ligonier’s Overcome evil with Good
The Sermon will be available online on October 20, 2019 at 12:30 pm.
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