A Prayer to the God who yearns and waits for us – Regent Theological Seminary

A Prayer to the God who yearns and waits for us – Regent Theological Seminary

The God who yearns & waits for us

Heavenly Father,
Guardian of the brokenhearted,
Saviour of the crushed in spirit:

We are strange conundrums of faithfulness and fickleness.
We cleave to you in all the ways that we are able.
We count on you and intend our lives to be lived for you,
and then we find ourselves among your people
who are always seeking elsewhere and otherwise.

So we give thanks that you are the God who yearns and waits for us,
and that our connection to you is always from your side,
and that it is because of your goodness
that neither life nor death
nor angels nor principalities
nor heights nor depths
nor anything in creation
can separate us from you.

We give you thanks for your faithfulness,
so much more durable than ours.

Written by Walter Brueggemann (revised)
From Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth


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