04 1Sam 25 Shame, Insults and God’s Honoring of People

04 1Sam 25 Shame, Insults and God’s Honoring of People

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Sermon outline


David and Nabal (1Sam 25)

          1. David’s historical setting (1Sam 20:30-42, 24:4, 8-15)
          2. David Protects Nabal’s herds (1Sam 25:7-8)
            1. David’s honorable actions
            2. Middle Eastern Hospitality (Gen 18, 24)
          3. Nabal’s Insult (1Sam 25:10-11)
            1. Who is David? Who is the son of Jesse? (1Sam 17, 18:7, 13, 17ff)
            2. Unloyal servants
            3. Refusal to be hospitable
          4. David’s Responses
            1. His First response (1Sam 25:13, 21-22)
              1. David sought to kill Nabal and all the men of his house.
              2. Abigael honors David (1Sam 25:18)
            2. His Second Response (1Sam 25:39)
              1. The insult (Lam 3:61, 5:1, Gen 30:23, Isa 4:1)
              2. The Lord has avenged (1Sam 24:15)

Applying the Story

            1. Hospitality is our calling (Rom 12:13, 1Tim 5:10, 1 Pet 4:9, Heb 13:2)
              1. Be a people marked by a radical welcoming and making people feel like they belong.
              2. Food is a great way to welcome people. Liberally, generously, not running out.
              3. Don’t be in a hurry.
            2. Words that Hurt or Words that Honor? (Eph 4:29)
            3. Looking for God to restore what others take. (Mk 15:16-20, 26, 29-31, Heb 12:2
              1. There are accusers in this world who speak just like the great accuser.
              2. He looked to the only one whose opinion matters (1Pet 2:23)
              3. Look to God for your value, honor, and significance (Jn 1:12, Rom 8:16-17, 8:32, 2Th 2:13, Dt 7:6, 1Pet 2:9)


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