04 Isaiah 7:1-8:8 The Call to Faith

04 Isaiah 7:1-8:8 The Call to Faith

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Sermon outline

  1. Ahaz’s Situation (Isa 7:1-2, 6, 2Chr 28:5-8)
  2. The Call to Faith (Isa 7:3-9)
    1. Ahaz is out inspecting his infrastructure (Isa 7:3)
    2. God sends Isaiah and his son, Shear-jashub (Isa 7:3)
    3. God’s message (Isa 7:4-9)
    4. The Call to faith (Isa 7:9)
      1. But it isn’t a blind faith (Isa 7:10-11)
      2. Signs are visual representations that God often gives to back up his promises (Gen 9:12, 17:11, Ex 3:12, 4:8-9, 12:13, HC 69, 75)
      3. Ask for anything. The sky is the limit (Josh 10:12, 2Ki 20:9-11, Is 38:8, Judg 6:37-40)
  3. The Wrong Response
    1. Unfortunately, Ahaz feigned piety instead of faith (Isa 7:12)
    2. God’s judgment proclaimed (Isa 7:13, 17, 19-25, 5:26, Eph 4:30)
    3. But that isn’t the only message God has for Ahaz.
  4. God’s Faithfulness (Isa 7:14-16
    1. The First Fulfillment of Isa 7:14-16, (Isa 8:3-4, 18)
    2. The Second Fulfillment of Isa 7:14-16 (Mt 1:23
    3. Conclusion


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