07 Col 1;24-26  Suffering with Christ

07 Col 1;24-26  Suffering with Christ

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Sermon outline

Suffering and Joy are not normally positively correlated

How can one rejoice in suffering? (Col 1:24)

        1. By understanding the reason and purpose of Godly suffering.
        2. What is Godly Suffering? (Acts 5:41, 9:16, Phil 3:8, 2Th 1:5, 2Tim 1:8, 4:5, 1Pet 2:20, 3:14)[1]
        3. Rejoicing in these situations is possible because (1Pt 4:13, Rom 5:3-5)
          1. Reason: One is united to Christ in such a close bond.
          2. Purpose: Hope (Rom 5:3-5)

What was lacking in Christ’s afflictions? (Col 1:24)

        1. First – Paul is NOT talking about anything related to the vicarious sacrifice of Christ for people’s atonement. (Jn 1:29)
        2. Second – We are talking about the sufferings that accompany rejection by the world.[2]
        3. Third – we are talking about the sacrificial sufferings of people who seek to build up the church.

How does this serve the church? (Col 1:25-26)

        1. Stewardship manages the affairs of the Lord so that God’s influence expands.
        2. Paul’s point was to declare the gospel and suffering was a byproduct of this.
        3. The same ought to be true of each of us.
        4. The identification of Christ with his Church is our hope for glory (1Pt 4:13).

[1] NIDNTT, 725, https://accordance.bible/link/read/NIDNTT#14363

[2] BEC, 138, https://accordance.bible/link/read/BEC-Col_&_Phm#1621


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