16 John 6:22-51 Why do you follow Jesus: A Trick Question (Part 2)

16 John 6:22-51 Why do you follow Jesus: A Trick Question (Part 2)

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Sermon Outline



  1. Hunger and thirst
    1. These are basic primal needs
    2. eating and drinking are primary ways of socializing
    3. Hunger and thirst really motivate us to live life, esp. to work
    4. Review of last Week’s 4 reasons people follow Jesus
    5. Follow Jesus because:
  2. You have a spiritual hunger for righteousness, truth and life (6:27)
    1. Setting (Jn 6:22-25)
      1. The Question of when, the hope of How? (Jn 6:25, 16-20)
        1. Notice the Answer (Jn 6:26):
      2. 3 Foundational truths introduced
        1. Seek Jesus for eternal benefits not for temporal benefit (Jn 6:26-27)
        2. God is the provider of true spiritual food (Jn 6:32-33)
        3. Life is only found in feasting on Jesus (Jn 6:53-56)
    2. Seek Jesus for Spiritual Benefit (Jn 6:26-31)
      1. A Misguided reason for seeking Jesus (Jn 6:26)
      2. Spiritual food is a gift of God: (Jn 6:27- 28)
        1. Working for Spiritual benefit
        2. Receiving spiritual gift (Jn 6:29)
        3. Jesus answered them: This is the work of God: (Jn 6:29)
    3. The second foundational truth is about to be revealed:
      1. God gives us spiritual food in Christ (Jn 6:32-35)
      2. I am the bread of life (6:35, 38)
        1. The language of eating his flesh and drinking his blood in v.52ff is intentionally graphic, but literalism misses the point (Jn 6:35)
    4. A Trick Question (6:28)
      1. The gospel is not about us following him but about him saving us.
      2. We follow because of what he has done not because of what we want.
      3. It is about him choosing us (6:29)
        1. God is the one doing (6:33)
        2. God is the one who initiates our following (6:37, 44)
      4. You follow Jesus because God has put you into Jesus care!


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