18 Col 4:2-4 Final Instruction for the church to pray together

18 Col 4:2-4 Final Instruction for the church to pray together

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Sermon outline


If you could give 3 instructions to someone before you died, what would you tell them to do?

        1. Jacob’s (Gen 47:29)
        2. Joseph instructions (Gen 50:25)
        3. David’s final instructions to Solomon (1Chr 28:9-10, I Kings 2:3-7)
        4. What would your final instructions be?

Paul’s 3 Final Commands

        1. Be dedicated to corporate prayer for your church and for other gospel ministries
        2. Walk wisely
        3. Talk provocatively
        4. We are going to focus on the first of these commands today.

Be Dedicated to Corporate Prayer

        1. For your Church and be thankful (Col 4:2, Acts 1:14, 2:42, 6:4, Rom 12:12, Mk 14:34-41)
        2. For other Ministries (Col 4:3-5, 1:3, 1:27, 2:2-3, 3:6, Mk 16:12, Jn 1:31, 1Pt 1:20)
          1. For clarity
          2. For God to open doors
        3. So what does it take for a church to do what the scriptures command?
          1. First, the leaders of the church must prioritize corporate
          2. Second, The members of the Church must believe that corporate prayer is commanded by God.
          3. Third, the members of the Church must reorder their lives to align with what God commands.
        4. Imagine what would God do? What could God do?  What is he waiting to do until his people are faithful in the things he has already commanded?


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