Jn 13:1-17 Servant Leadership

Jn 13:1-17 Servant Leadership

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Sermon Outline


  1. Getting a blood draw with Sun Construction
  2. Setting
    1. Notice how our passage begins (Jn 13:1)
      1. We are in the days of Passover, the day before
      2. Hour had come
      3. Jesus Loves his people
      4. So, what does that love look like?
  3. Love is servanthood and practical
    1. Jesus takes on the role of a servant (Jn 13:4-5)
      1. Rabbinic reasons for reclining at the Passover meal.
      2. Jesus actually starts doing the very thing that it appears none of the disciples had been willing to do
        1. And pride, we are told in Word (Prov 16:18)
        2. There was attitude of serve me, instead of let me serve you
    2. The teaching of Peter
      1. Peter understood how radical Jesus’ actions were. (Jn 13:6)
      2. Jesus says his way of instruction is to give word and deed. (Jn 13:7)
      3. Peter pushes back with immense braggadocio (Jn 13:8)
      4. But Jesus responds then you can’t be my servant and a servant of others… (Jn 13:8)
      5. Simon Peter responds to the rebuke (Jn 13:9)
      6. The Real teaching (Jn 13:10)
        1. The two cleansings
        2. Jesus’ washing isn’t a ritual thing, Jesus’ cleansing lasts, that’s why he talks about bathing and washing (Heb 10:22)
    3. The Teaching (Jn 13:12-17)
      1. Jesus is instructing us in how we should live.
        1. By word and example he is telling and showing that we are to mimic Christ
          1. The term is used in 4 other places in the NT (Heb 8:5, 9:23, Jam 5:10, 2Pet 2:6)
          2. He is showing us what it is like to live in the Kingdom, to be a disciple.
        2. We are to lay our life down, so that others might be saved
        3. We are to serve in the places where others wont serve but where there are real needs.
      2. This isn’t a suggestion. (John 13:16-17)
  4. The blood draw continued


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