Sermons on Christian Living

Sermons on Christian Living

04​ Joshua 3:1-4:24 ​​Follow God into new territory and new lands

to support the ministry of Hope in Christ Church, click here. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outlinE   We must follow behind God into new lands How does Joshua respond to the spies report (Josh 3:1) First, by sleeping, Joshua follows the Jewish pattern for life, by resting in the Lord and then working. (Gen 1, Jn 10:10, Mt 11:28)…

02 Joshua 1:10-18 Until God Gives Rest

to support the ministry of Hope in Christ Church, click here. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outlinE Seeking Rest Rest is something that many people seek but never find. In our passage today: We will see that God is the giver of a place of rest for people That our gaining rest brings with it obligations to help others to…

28 Heb 13:1-6 Living for God, part 1

to support the ministry of Hope in Christ Church, click here. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline   How, then, shall we live? Let Brotherly Love Continue! (Heb 13:1, 10:34) Continue in brotherly love! Not only is this the first expression of the gospel in a person’s life, but it is the overarching exhortation under which all the others fall.…

26 Heb 12:3-17 Persecution is our Spiritual Workout Plan

to support the ministry of Hope in Christ Church, click here. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline   Do we have the wrong view of suffering? (Romans 5:3-4) Consider Jesus who endured hostility (Heb 12:3) Carefully reflect upon the life of Jesus Jesus’ life was surrounded by hostility (Lk 4:28-29, 23:35-39) Jesus did not shrink back, nor compromise, nor swerve…

25 Heb 12:1-2 Running to Jesus

to support the ministry of Hope in Christ Church, click here. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline   I Loved Track and Field in H.S. Our Cheering Crowd (Heb 12:1) They are all around us There are many witnesses So great is a term used to describe an indefinitely high number (Mt 15:33, Jn 12:37, 1 Cor 14:10) Cloud of…

24 Hebrews 11 Will we walk by faith?

to support the ministry of Hope in Christ Church, click here. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline   Walking is easy, Walking with someone is hard Walking with Jen The Question of Faith: Will we walk hand in hand with God, or will we try to walk on our own side by side but never quite in step with one…

23 Heb 10:26-39 Warning about Apostasy

to support the ministry of Hope in Christ Church, click here. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline My Habitual speeding For if we go on sinning deliberately (Heb 10:26) Remember the context 3 “Let us” statements that should guide the Christian’s life in light of Jesus’ great sacrifice and priestly ministry (Heb 10:22-25) Notice the Audience “WE” “For if we…

22 Heb 10:19-25 3 Responses to Christ’s High Priesthood

to support the ministry of Hope in Christ Church, click here. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline 2 Reasons we should act We have confidence (Heb 10:19-20) What is confidence? We are in the doorway (Heb 9:8-9, Mt 27:51) We have a Great priest (Heb 10:21) 3 Responses we should have: Draw Near (Heb 10:22) Enter into the Room What…

10 Heb 6:1-3 Elementary Doctrines: Christology

to support the ministry of Hope in Christ Church, click here. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline Elementary school is foundational to life success Christology is foundational to Christian maturity! (Heb 6:1) Therefore The elementary doctrine of Christ Not moving from but so ingrained and integrated into our life and thoughts that everything one does is informed by this truth.…

09 Heb 5:11-14 Don’t be an immature Christian!

to support the ministry of Hope in Christ Church, click here. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings.   Sermon outline Immaturity plagues our western world Examples in the World Examples in the Church (Heb 5:11-14) Dull of Hearing (Heb 5:11) Recapping the argument (Heb 5:8-10) Why? Not Because it’s hard to explain. It’s a problem in the people. Dull of Hearing is not…