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Sermon outlinE
- Fear is a primal emotion.
- Moving from Moses to Joshua (Dt 34:8)
Call to Go and inherit the Land (Josh 1:1-5)
- Moses is God’s servant (Josh 1:1, 24:29)
- God is still speaking
- Moses is dead, let’s get moving (Josh 1:1-2)
- Joshua is to assume the mantle of leadership (Ex 17:14, Num 27:18-22)
- Is there something in this for us?
- First, it is easy to look backward and to become preoccupied with what has been.
- Second, too often I am worried about what is coming next, future contingencies, etc. and I can’t get God to speak to me about them.
- It will take effort to receive the gift of God (Josh 1:3)
- The extent of the Promised Land (Josh 1:4, Gen 15:18)
Specific encouragement to Joshua (Josh 1:5-9)
- I will establish you (Josh 1:5a, Mt 16:18)
- I will be with you (Josh 1:5b, Heb 13:5)
- Be strong and Courageous (Josh 1:6-9)