02 Joshua 1:10-18 Until God Gives Rest

02 Joshua 1:10-18 Until God Gives Rest

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Sermon outlinE

Seeking Rest

        1. Rest is something that many people seek but never find.
        2. In our passage today:
          1. We will see that God is the giver of a place of rest for people
          2. That our gaining rest brings with it obligations to help others to gain their rest

God is the giver of Rest

        1. The setting
          1. The people of God are on the eastern side of the Jordan River.
          2. The Commands to Go and their application. (Josh 1:10-11)
        2. Preparation needed.
          1. Prepare is a worship term and worship has affects on life. (Num 23:1)
          2. 3 days
        3. God is the giver of a place of rest
          1. All Land borders set by God. (Dt 2:9, 19)
          2. But God is giving the Promised Land to his people as their place of rest. (Ps 25:12-13)
          3. Rest is found in Jesus (Heb 3:7-4:16)

When we have found rest, we must help others find it too! (Josh 1:12-18)

        1. Who are these tribes? (Gen 35:22, 37:1ff, 49:4, 30:10-11, 49:19, 48:5-6, 13-20)
        2. Why are they resting on the eastern side?
          1. The border of the Promised land is big (Josh 1:4)
          2. They asked for this (Num 32, Josh 1:13)
        3. What are they to do? (Josh 1:14)
          1. This is an act of faith, while helping the rest of the people of God to find their rest.
          2. How long are they to fight and trust? (Josh 1:15)
        4. Pledging allegiance to Joshua. (Josh 1:16-18)

What does it all mean for us?

        1. Discipleship matters.
        2. The Great Commission still matters (Mt 28:19-20)
        3. Fight until Christ returns.




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