Preparing our Hearts to Worship – a life of Word and Worship leads to a Transforming walk with Jesus

Preparing our Hearts to Worship – a life of Word and Worship leads to a Transforming walk with Jesus


In an effort to help you prepare for the Sunday morning corporate worship gathering and to aid you in your own reflections about church health and vitality, I wanted to pose a few questions and provide a few resources to prayerfully consider over the coming days. Our sermon is about how a life of Word and Worship leads to a Transforming walk with Jesus. The scriptures below are all referenced in the message.

From the Scriptures

  1. Read and prayerfully reflect upon these Scriptures asking God to shape your life and your church’s life to match the Scriptures where they are positive and to keep you from the struggles others experienced where: John 15:1-8, Jeremiah 2:4-22; Matthew 7:15-23; Ezra 7:1-10

From the Creeds and Confessions

  1. Read and reflect on the Westminster Confession of Faith’s statement on good works, Chapter 16

From the songs, hymns and spiritual songs of the Church

  1. Sing and reflect upon these songs:
    1. Shine: Lyrics, Video
    2. Never be the same: Lyrics, Video
    3. Hello, my name is: :Lyrics, Video
    4. Hymn 750: Lyrics (This hymn by watchmen Lee has wonderful lyrics, even though he is a controversial figure.)
    5. God grant that we may be transformed: Lyrics

For Thoughtful Reflection and Prayer

  1. Gordon MacDonald, chancellor of Denver Seminary, once listed these 12 marks of a transformed Christian life:
    1. A Transformed Christian Is one who …
      1. Has an undiluted devotion to Jesus.
      2. Pursues a biblically informed view of the world.
      3. Is intentional and disciplined in seeking God’s direction.
      4. Worships, and with a spirit of continuous repentance.
      5. Builds healthy human relationships.
      6. Knows how to engage the larger world.
      7. Senses a personal “call” and unique competencies.
      8. Is merciful and generous to those who are weaker.
      9. Appreciates that suffering is part of faithfulness to Jesus.
      10. Is eager and ready to express the content of his faith.
      11. Overflows with thankfulness.
      12. Has a passion for reconciliation.
    2. Based on this list, reflect on your own life and praise God for the work he has done and pray for the work he still needs to do in you.

You can read MacDonald’s full article here.






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