Bulletin – Week of February 14, 2016

Bulletin – Week of February 14, 2016

We welcome everyone as children of the heavenly King. Your presence adds joy to our gathering and enthusiasm to our worship. May God’s presence be real to us all.

Message: Intentional Evangelism

 Scripture: Acts 8:4-8, 26-40

Offering: General Fund

February 14, 2016

 Prayer Requests:

This week we are asked to pray for Tricia and Mairi Bravener, Bud and Lorraine Brouwer, Marlene Butenschoen, Mike and Diane Button, Darrin Cooper. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.

We give praise that Roberta Maier has been approved for back surgery, which has been scheduled for Feb. 19th at 11:45.

Lee Veenstra spent some time in the hospital this past week. It is believed he passed a gall stone; he was to go home on Friday.


Our church is putting together a team to work with World Renew the week of June 12th. All ages and skill levels are welcome to join us as we serve in the Okanogan area of Washington. The Vander Woudes and Hops are organizing this event on behalf of our church. A registration form and information is available on the stand in the foyer. Please complete the registration form and leave it in the box so we can start our planning. We most likely will be staying in the Omak/Okanogan area, they are currently working on securing housing locations for the volunteers coming this year. The projects that we will be assigned are reflective of the greatest priority at that time in June, and the skills and experience of the volunteers. They do know that there is going to be a great deal of fencing reconstruction this year.

Plan to join your council members March 6 at 6 pm as we discuss participation at the Lord’s Supper.

Our service next Sunday will be “Compassion, Mercy and Justice are rooted in God” based on Exodus 34:4-7. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The bulletin, which includes the songs of praise, is usually posted online by Friday afternoons and the monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.

Help is needed on the sound board during the Sunday morning worship. If you are interested in learning to run the sound board, please contact the church office. A time of training for all those working the sound board is being scheduled, so let the office know now if you are interested.

The Deacons would like to encourage visits with a few of our house bound members, Darryl Renne, Jessie Figenbaum and Carmen Larsen.

Servants Next Sunday, February 28: Greeters: Dale and Deloris Perry; Nursery: Tricia Bravener and Pat Bosman; Snacks: Tricia Bravener and Lorraine Brouwer; Ushers: Bud Brouwer and Joe Pruitt; Prayer Room: Terry Vander Woude; Sunday school: Ida Richards, Diane Button and Mike Boer; Children and Worship: Rosa McAlister and Ali Laninga.

Mark and Rockelle Ruiter are very close to having all the paperwork completed for their adoption of a little girl from China. They are currently waiting for the American consulate in China to do the forms stating the child has been approved for immigration to the US. They are also waiting to hear if they will be given some grants to help with the cost. Rockelle reports they need around $4000 yet and that they hope to be traveling to China in approximately four weeks. If you wish to contribute to the adoption fund for the Ruiters and Konings, you can do so either directly to the families or through the deacons.

The Calvin-Hope men’s basketball rivalry game will be shown on the big screen at Milt’s Pizza Place in Lynden on Saturday, Feb. 20, at noon. Doors will open around 11:30 a.m. Calvin alum, friends, family and basketball fans are welcome. Contact Scott Vandenberg by phone (933-1829) or e-mail (scott@rcoa.ca) if you have any questions.

The Furnished With Love Ministry of Whatcom Love INC (In the Name of Christ) is in desperate need of volunteers to help pick up and deliver furniture to those in our community who are in need. Pick-ups and deliveries are usually on Tuesdays, and more than 600 pieces of furniture already have been delivered. If you are interested or have questions, call the Love INC office at 671-6201.

A free discussion on the Dead Sea Scrolls led by five academic experts will be held Feb. 23 at 7 p.m. at Trinity Western University’s Northwest Auditorium in Langley, B.C. To RSVP online and reserve a spot, visit twualumni.org/events/dss/. The Dead Sea Scrolls provide fresh perspective on both the words of the Old Testament and ancient Jewish world of the New Testament. Learn the relevance of the Dead Sea Scrolls for the Bible, theology, Christianity, and how they illumine our own past. Hear how ancient writers encountered and innovated the biblical past by extending prophecy, claiming revelatory dreams, rethinking covenant theology, and crafting and circulating letters. For more information, contact Ron at 319-4677 or ronhtwu@msn.com.

Kings Men of Song will be performing in our church on March 20th. Doors will open at 6:30, with their performance to begin around 7pm.





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