Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Chuck Dean, Dave and Lisa DeSalvo, Denise Doezema, Scott Emory, Paulino Estrada and Georgi Lakey and Marcus. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Our sermon next Sunday will be “The Burnt Offering” based on Leviticus 1. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
This Wednesday our members are asked to spend just one hour in prayer between midnight of May 31 to midnight of June 1. You may pray at home at an assigned time or pray any time during that 24 hours. Suggested prayer topics are in the bulletin.
The June issue of the Heartbeat will be available June 5. Therefore, all articles and calendar information needs to be to the church office this week.
COOKIES! COOKIES! COOKIES! How can you help the team going on the mission trip to the Okanagan fire ravaged area? The team would love to have donations of homemade cookies that can be placed in the lunches of the team when they are out working. If you would like to bring cookies for the team, please have them to the church office on Friday, June 10th or to one of the members coming over on Sunday.
Fencing tools needed! The mission team will be helping to repair fences and they are in need of small tools specifically for fencing. If you have some to LOAN the team, please bring them to the church prior to June 11th. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON YOUR TOOLS SO WE CAN GET THEM BACK TO YOU. If you don’t want them back, we will leave the tools for the next mission team to use there.
Servants Next Sunday, June 5: Greeters: Dale and Deloris Perry; Nursery: NONE; Snacks: Terry Vander Woude and Tena Vanderpol; Ushers: Len Vander Woude and Bud Brouwer; Prayer Room: Denise Doezema.
Say your goodbyes to Executive Director Ron Buchinski and meet new Executive Director Hans Erchinger-Davis at the Lighthouse Mission open house on May 31 from 3-6:30pm. There will be tours of the campus and chili and cornbread to eat.
Going to Michigan? Len Vander Woude’s niece is getting married in Michigan and her parents are trying to transport her belongings from Lynden to Michigan.
The council is considering hosting a political event this fall where we would invite the judicial candidates to come and speak about their views of law, being a judge, etc. If you are interested in helping to facilitate this possible ministry to our church and our county, please contact David Richards or the church office.
The Deacons are having a Linen Drive for Love, INC. They have requested clean, gently used/new sheets, especially queen size, as they have had a large donation of queen size beds. The Deacons have provided a box in the foyer for your donations through Sunday, June 5.
The decision was made to have May 29th be the last Sunday that we will have members serving in the nursery during the service. This may change later, based on a need to again offer the nursery. Your thoughts and suggestions on this issue are welcome by the council.
The GEMS girls club is off to camp June 10-12. 9 girls and 2 councilors from Hope in Christ will be spending the weekend with GEMS from around Washington. Please pray for safe travels, fun times and opportunities to draw closer to their Savior.