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Sermon outline
Walking is easy, Walking with someone is hard
- Walking with Jen
- The Question of Faith: Will we walk hand in hand with God, or will we try to walk on our own side by side but never quite in step with one another?
What is faith? (Heb 11:1-2)
- Misunderstandings:
- What is the assurance of things hoped for?
- Options from History and Scripture (Heb 1:3, 3:14)
- Is faith
- our foundational reality,
- a declarative realization of what will be,
- is it the real essence of God that we hope for
- is it a confidence in our longings
- OR is faith a foundational way of relating to God and the world in anticipation of what is coming because of the words of God which we learned a few weeks are trustworthy and true?
- The second phrase of Heb 11:1 expands on the first
- Is faith
- What is a commendation? (Heb 11:2)
- Options from History and Scripture (Heb 1:3, 3:14)
Examples of foundational trust (Heb 11:3-39)
- Creation (Heb 11:3): The seen flows from the unseen
- Abel (Heb 11:4, Gen 4)
- Why Not Adam and Eve (Gen 3:6)
- Abel’s walk with God in suffering and death
- Enoch (Heb 11:5-6, Gen 5:21-24, Hab 2:4)
- Enoch is the wonderful side of walking with God.
- Enoch’s walking with God is paralleled by the words “pleased God” “faith” and in other places “righteousness”
- Abel and Enoch are the two poles of walking with God.
- Will I walk with God hand in hand, or will I run ahead or behind trying to seek my own thing and experience?
- Will we relate to him, love him, praise him even when he takes you into the valley of death, or the valley of rejection, or the valley of suffering?
- Will you trust him to lead you through that knowing that verse 16 is out there.